The German Association of Cities has criticized the trend towards large cars and brought up higher parking fees for SUVs and other large vehicles.

“The trend in cars apparently knows only one direction: bigger and heavier,” said managing director Helmut Dedy of the “Stuttgarter Zeitung” and the “Stuttgarter Nachrichten” (Tuesday). “That doesn’t fit in at a time when we are discussing saving energy and space, climate protection and resource protection.” For a better quality of life in the cities, fewer and not bigger cars are needed.

Dedy called it “obvious to assign the actual costs for parking and driving to the large vehicles”. There is something absurd about enlarging parking spaces for the growing number of off-road vehicles or converting parking garages. According to the Federal Motor Transport Authority, SUVs accounted for almost 30 percent of the 2.65 million new registrations in 2022.