A few clicks in the App, then comfortably by Bus from A to B driving. So-called On-Demand services are expected to usher in the brave new mobility world. In large cities, there are the quite. And in the country?

Hanover (dpa) – Cheaper than the Taxi, as the car – and then also climate-friendly. “Ridepooling” is the magic word that has now reached a number of German cities.

By Hamburg, Berlin, Munich, or Hannover, hundreds of modern collective taxis, or even electrically, if the VW subsidiary, Moia has taken up the operation in Hanover in the Corona-crisis yet again.

The principle is simple, the technology behind it is already more complex: customers can book via the App, Algorithms to determine the most effective routes to be able to other passengers to take. What the passengers do on the Land?

want to test the Hannover Region, as well as the transport operators Üstra and Regiobus from the summer of 2021 in three municipalities of Hanover – so rather in the suburbs of a large city than in the country.

What is the Region of Hannover is planning?

System is to be Tested in the coming year, a so-called On-Demand. An algorithm is planning on the basis of the requests, the Route and the calculated travel and arrival time, fixed schedules and routes, there is not. Passengers are picked up at an existing stop or to a place. It is not clear yet, in which municipalities the Service is to be tested. The tender over, said a spokesman for the Region.

Where there are similar offers?

In Hamburg and Hannover offers Moia, a subsidiary of the auto giant Volkswagen, your services – at least until the outbreak of the Corona pandemic. In Hamburg, the Service at the end of may, with a smaller fleet, its regular operation again. First of all, only five instead of a maximum of six passengers could ride in the small buses, said Moia. 170 vehicles should be used, while up to the temporary discontinuance of the service going on 1. April more than 300 Moia-buses were in the Hanseatic city on the move. The offer is to step way back. When the Service is available in Hanover, Germany, was initially unclear. The provider of smart Shuttle services about Berlin, Munich or Dresden.

How it looks in the country?

so Far, rather gloomy. Because traditionally people say there is: A private car must be – especially when buses travel at a maximum every two hours. In Bad Gandersheim – West of the Harz mountains, and in the upper Harz göttingen and the Max-Planck-tested-Institute for dynamics and self-organization of the so-called Ecobus. The project is completed. Small buses were in use, passengers were able to book your Tour via App, Internet or telephone. One of the researchers developed algorithm ensured that passengers with similar Start and goal does not have to be picked up, fixed timetables or lines there were.

last October started a trial in Leipzig – operator, Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe, the algorithm comes from Göttingen. Target is reported to be, to associate Ridepooling with the line of traffic.

What Ridepooling is it exactly?

The brave new world of mobility is a little confusing – the concept of it is also. When Ridesharing is several people to form a carpool and share a car – a well-known provider of this is Blablacar. When Ridepooling add to this then, that an algorithm selects, one who goes with whom in the car. In addition, each selected route, to the destination, if possible, even more passengers can be taken. And for those who prefer traveling alone, uses car-sharing: Here you can borrow accessible to the public cars, and put it back down.

information about the Ecobus