This week, Trump in the Corona – and racism-Chaos in the United States had time again to threaten the world with punitive tariffs and sanctions. Made it this time, Germany, France, Spain and the UK. According to a paper by the US Department of Commerce in the development of new punitive tariffs on the import of olives, beer, Gin and Trucks, as well as increased customs duties on airplanes, cheese and yogurt. Overall, the products affected would have a volume of 2.8 billion euros in the year.

Trumps new threat has two backgrounds: firstly, a procedure that should be clarified, whether it is right that the EU bezollte goods to the value of € 10 billion from the United States to react against, in their view, illegal subsidies from the US government and Boeing runs in front of the world trade organization WTO. The proceedings will be decided in September, to would exactly the time the new duties come into force.

Trump scolds Germany

Secondly, the new threat is an attack on the Nord-Stream Pipeline 2 to supply from Russia motorway to 55 billion cubic meters of Gas via Germany to the EU. The construction is controversial. The U.S. fear that Europe would be too dependent on Russian Gas (and at the same time less in the US buys). Eastern European countries are attracted by the sea and passed over. You cash in on the existing land-based Pipelines fees for the Gas that flows through their Land.

On his campaign event in Tulsa last week scolded Trump, Germany to little for its own military was “guilty” and would kick instead, Russia President Vladimir Putin’s “billions”. In addition, he repeated to deduct its previously expressed threats, US soldiers from Germany and to occupy German cars with punitive tariffs.

dispute about Nord Stream 2: Germany plans joint impact of the EU

Germany is now planning to fight back against the new threat, such as the financial news Agency Bloomberg, citing an internal document from the Federal Ministry of economy writes. The papers describe the impact of new US tariffs on German companies and government institutions. Concrete counter-measures are not described yet.

Two anonymous sources from the Ministry, Bloomberg said, the Chancellor is working on a joint counter-attack the EU. The Confederation of States would not accept that the United States intervene in energy issues. Thus, the trade could exacerbate conflict between the States.

Another dispute between the EU and the USA is already starting

The US trade representative, Robert Lightizer is also working on a new tactic called “carousel retaliation”. Here, punitive tariffs should remain in scope the same, but periodically between different industries. The goal is that can feel no industry in the country concerned, for sure.

at the beginning of the year had increased in the USA in this context, the duties on Airbus aircraft of 10 to 15 percent. The Americans such a criminal have been allowed to customs duties by the WTO. The had ruled last October that Germany and France’s Airbus have for many years supported illegal. For September, the expected judgment resulting from the counterclaim in the EU due to subsidies for Boeing. Both parties fencing for 15 years on the two aircraft manufacturers.

New points of dispute between the United States and Europe are already pre-programmed. Next Friday, EU diplomats are debating whether the ban on the entry of the United States because of the Corona of a pandemic are in place. In the face of rising infection numbers in the United States is likely to be.

in addition, the EU and the USA argue about the country’s planned digital expensive. Thus, profits of digital businesses should be taxed where they achieved, but also services, which are tax-free. This applies, for example, when trading with customer data, personalized advertising or the placement of customers. A digital tax in the EU, U.S. companies would have a strong, because they are in the digital world leader. The United States had pulled out of previous talks back.

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