It hits more and more pensioners: Of the more than 21 million retired people in Germany, nearly five million will have to pay for the year 2019 taxes. And every year their number increases.

One reason for this development: For younger cohorts, a larger and larger share of the statutory pension is taxable. Who gets to 2020, for the first time, his retirement benefits, must pay tax on 80 percent of benefits, such as financial test reports.

Also interesting: Each month premature 0.3% costs: So they go without haircuts more in pension

Also, income from a private pension plan that more and more retired people file a tax return and have to pay taxes. Although there are allowances for additional revenue, such as the Riester pension or benefits from the company Pension. However, the decrease for each new Vintage. This increases the taxable income, so that more Elderly have to account to the tax authorities.

pattern case, shows significant differences in strain

A model of the Stiftung Warentest shows how high taxes and social security contributions are, in fact, when the statutory pension is an operation, and a Riester-pension are added. Erika Schuster, the woman in the example, is 62 years old and thought about whether you can afford early retirement.

in its decision In the shoemaker’s wife should schedule the deductions for tax and health insurance: Is it 2022 retirement at 63, remain your of 2377 euros gross from your three pensions, after deduction of taxes and social security contributions only in 1864 euros in the month, 513 Euro less. It starts in 2022, it will receive gross 2709 Euro, net there are 2095 Euro. So 614 Euro less. Tips

Invoice: , more and more pensioners have to file a tax return. You are unsure if you have to, you may want to ask in the first step, free of charge from the tax office. Or Association, contact a tax Advisor or payroll tax.

forms: If the control statement to make on your own, you should use a tax software or a magpie, the online portal of state financial management. You can use the Performance information of a private insurer and pension provider as fill-in help as well as the pension communication to the statutory pension Fund.

social security: you Are unsure of what amounts you are at the age to expect – because you know, such as deductions for lump-sum payouts are determined from a contract, ask for example, your health insurance, what to expect.

step-by-step tax burden determine

For future pensioners, it is difficult even to calculate, how high are the taxes in old age. Straight when to the statutory pension for more payouts to come. Because depending on the pension contract and Form of payment rules apply to the completely different control.

In the case of our sample the case of Erika Schuster

  • apply The state pension is for the most part, taxable. Schuster, for example, chooses the annuity beginning in 2022, of a pension of 82 per cent tax.
  • The Riester-pension complete control is at the age surcharge. In the case of such income pensioners can benefit from the “old-age relief amount”. This is a tax-free amount in addition to income from the age of 64 years. 2022 Schuster remain 14.4 percent of the extra income tax free, a maximum of 684 euros in the year.
  • The pension control in our example is also fully taxable. This applies to payments from a pension Fund, if the contract was concluded after 2004. In the accumulation phase, the employer is off the contributions of the employee from gross income. So you save taxes and social contributions. The payout tax sit apply.

state pension

From the statutory old-age pension remains free for younger cohorts, a smaller proportion of tax. On the basis of this share and the total pension in the first full calendar year after the commencement of the Pension, the tax office identified a Pension allowance. This is normally the case in the long term. The exemption amount changes every year when the pension is increased. Stiftung Warentest

Private annuities.

pensions from private insurances are only for the small proportion of tax. The later the pension starts, the more tax free. For tax purposes, it may be worthwhile, therefore, when early retirees will receive only the statutory pension and the private pension later begins. Stiftung Warentest

Riester-pension and other income

For additional income as fully taxable Riester and occupational pensions from the age relief contribution benefit if you are at the beginning of the tax year is at least 64 years old. Capital and rental income as well as income from a part-time job with tough for the amount. Foundation test

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So that pensioners can expect to

From the three pensions, we have to determine which taxes Erika Schuster in accordance with the currently applicable tax rates and rules as an early retiree must be expected.

Retirement 2021 Stiftung Warentest

Retirement 2022

Goes to Erika Schuster 2022 in retirement, it comes to around 28,000 euros taxable income. In the calculation, it is included that the tax office for you costs a flat rate of 102 Euro advertising in the year to take into account. Of the income, the authority will deduct in addition to 684 Euro age discharge amount of a few Items: a flat rate of 36 euros for special editions, as well as the compulsory contributions to health and nursing care insurance.

At the end of Schuster reached around 23.7000 EUR annual taxable income. The tax office will charge according to the current state 3530 euros in tax in a year. In the case of a pension beginning in the year 2022, cobblers so per month, taxes 294 Euro schedule Stiftung Warentest .

The original article can be found at the Foundation goods test.

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