Among other things, Netto, Føtex, Kvickly and Facts will from next year stop the sale of conventional bananas.

From next year it will be harder to track down a non-organic banana in Denmark.

For the Coop and the Salling Group, which stands behind a large number of supermarkets, will from next year only sell organic bananas. The report groups in press releases on Wednesday.

the Stores, which only sell organic bananas, Kvickly, superbrugsen now, Dagli’Brugsen, Irma and Fakta, Føtex, Bilka and Salling Super.

Stopped by the sales of conventional bananas is to avoid sprøjtemidlerne chlorpyrifos and afarten chlorpyrifos-methyl.

Previously, Coop announced that it has zero tolerance for the substances, and the Salling Group has chosen to ban the substance.

According to Coop constitute the organic bananas in the one-third of the Coops total banansalg, and in the Salling Group reads it also, that a large part of the sold bananas already are organic in day.

Salling Group reports that it has not been possible to get a guarantee that conventional Betmarino bananas can be delivered without the controversial herbicide.

– Since it is only the producers of organic bananas, which can give the guarantee that they are free of sprøjtemidlerne, we have chosen this solution.

– The organic plantations has requirements on the safety clearance for conventional agriculture, and therefore can completely avoid the substances in the organic bananas, ” said Per Bank, ceo of the Salling Group, in a press release.

the CSR-manager of the Coop, Thomas Roland tells also, it has been necessary to drop the conventional bananas in order to avoid the substance.

Organic bananas are usually a little more expensive to buy than conventional, and therefore, some buyers experience a price increase. The organic is about 50 cents more expensive, informs Thomas Roland.

on the other hand, will be able to freely choose the quantities they will buy. The organic are also some where you can choose whether you want one or ten bananas, says the CSR chief.

It is not allowed to use chlorpyrifos in Denmark, but it is accepted under a certain threshold in the fruit that are imported from abroad.

The European food safety agency (Efsa), in a study recommended to the european UNION next year to remove the substance from the list of approved insecticides.

in Addition, reported the Danish minister Mogens Jensen (S) in august that he as soon as possible will have a ban on the substance.
