The Dax gave up some of its early gains on Thursday. Most recently, the leading German index was up 0.16 percent at 12,537.25 points. Before the US job market report on Friday, market participants are apparently becoming a little more cautious. The MDax for medium-sized companies increased by 0.83 percent to 23,174.26 points. Like the Dax, the Eurozone leading index EuroStoxx 50 gained 0.16 percent.
The hopes of stockbrokers for a less restrictive monetary policy from the US Federal Reserve had driven the stock markets, especially at the beginning of the week. However, the signals from the ranks of the Fed indicate that it will continue to hike interest rates undeterred until inflation is clearly contained. If the US job market report is robust and does not send any signs of a recession, the Fed could see its course confirmed.
Papers from internet retailers posted price gains on Thursday in the wake of takeover plans. The Austrian furniture giant XXXLutz wants to incorporate the online provider Home24. Home24 then rose in price by 124 percent and also pulled Westwing up by almost 21 percent. In the Dax, Zalando papers were up 4 percent. About You and Auto1 gained up to 7 percent in the SDax.
According to statements from the Capital Markets Day, Merck shares rose by 1.7 percent. After years of reluctance, the pharmaceutical and chemical group sees itself in a position again to handle larger acquisitions.