The German stock market is also out of breath on the last trading day of the week. The Dax fell slightly by 0.13 percent to 15,775 points on Friday afternoon. On a weekly basis, the leading German index recorded a moderate minus. The MDax of medium-sized stocks lost 0.57 percent to 27,589.62 points. In contrast, the leading eurozone index, the EuroStoxx 50, was slightly up.

Economic data from the euro zone was mixed. The much-noticed purchasing managers’ indices for industry in April fell well short of expectations. The corresponding survey values ​​for the service sector, on the other hand, turned out better than expected.

SAP shares were able to make up for initial losses and were recently slightly up. Mercedes-Benz increased by one percent. Bank JPMorgan commented on the quarterly figures published the previous evening that these illustrate the automaker’s great pricing power and, consequently, its profitability.

Sartorius shares increased the previous day’s losses by a good two percent. The laboratory specialist shocked the market on Thursday with surprisingly weak quarterly figures, and the share then collapsed.

In the MDax, Kion and Jungheinrich were among the biggest losers with minus 4.3 and minus 2 percent respectively. The two companies specializing in storage technology and supply chains are considered to be particularly dependent on the economy and suffered from the weak purchasing manager indices from the euro zone.

In the SDax of small caps, the shares of Schaeffler and Bilfinger are clearly in the red. However, the levies are due to the dividend payments of both companies.