Rekindled interest rate concerns took the Dax off its path to success on Friday. The leading index, which had reached its highest level since mid-October to 15,364 points the day before, fell by 0.68 percent to 15,248.79 points at lunchtime. He thus reduced his weekly profit to 0.4 percent. Nevertheless, he would build on his particularly strong previous week.
The MDax fell significantly more on Friday by 2.21 percent to 25,247.82 points, but it had also risen more significantly in the past few days compared to the Dax. The Eurozone index EuroStoxx 50 fell by 0.8 percent at midday. After the previous day’s weakness, the New York stock exchanges opened with little activity.
Statements by US Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell had already weighed on US stock markets the evening before. Accordingly, the Federal Reserve (Fed) is not completely convinced that it has tightened monetary policy sufficiently. Powell assured that they would not hesitate to raise interest rates again if it proved appropriate.