Coronavirus requires, Senegal has taken sanitary measures to prevent contamination in the mass in its prisons. It is in this context that the ex-chadian president Hissène Habré (1982-1990), sentenced to life imprisonment by a court in the african Dakar for crimes against humanity, has been allowed out of prison on April 7 for a period of 60 days. A time he spent in prison monitoring between the homes of his two wives installed, they also, in the senegalese capital.

This permission very challenged had come to an end on Saturday 6 June. “The case of Hissène Habré is currently in hearing before the judge of enforcement of sentences. It’s going back tomorrow (Sunday) in prison, as had been noted “, said Saturday evening the minister senegalese Justice, to Me, Malick Sall. The ex-dictator, at the age of 77 years, is so well returned Sunday evening around 18 hours local time at the prison of cap Manuel where he is serving his sentence.

Read also Covid-19 : Hissène Habré provisionally released

Development of provisional sentence

” It is quite true. The leave of absence of 60 days came to an end this Saturday. A few days ago, a process of renewal of this permission has been undertaken by our lawyers to the judges of enforcement of sentences “, has confirmed to the press his wife, Fatima Raymonde Habre.

According to her, the Justice responded Friday and dismissed the application with two conditions.

” First, she said that it is necessary that the president Hissène Habré back into the prison before asking for a renewal of a further permission. Secondly, it could be that after a month in prison. In other words, it would have to wait until July 6 to make a request, “she added, while denouncing” the risks even more serious for his health than at the beginning of the permission “, at a time when Senegal has more than 4 328 cases of Covid-19, including 49 deaths.

The collective of victims worried

The associations of victims had said that he feared “release disguised” the president of chad is deposed in favor of this ” humanitarian measure and precaution “, according to the senegalese authorities.

The judge responsible for the enforcement of sentences had motivated his decision by the fact that Hissène Habré was “particularly vulnerable to this coronavirus” and the need to make room in his prison, chosen to quarantine the prisoners in the beginning of the detention. Hissène Habré was undergoing medical treatment since the spread of the pandemic coronavirus in Senegal, had called his lawyer.

may 30, 2016, Habré was sentenced, by the two Chambers of the african extraordinary put in place by the african Union, to life imprisonment for crimes against humanity, war crimes and torture, including for acts of sexual violence and rape. In addition, it must allocate an amount of 82 billion CFA francs at 7 396 victims identified. He was sentenced in appeal by 2017 to life in prison in Dakar (by Rooms african special) for war crimes and crimes against humanity during his regime in Chad between 1982 and 1990. “The victims of the former chadian dictator Hissène Habré are still waiting to receive a start of compensation, four years after his landmark conviction in Senegal,” said the 29 of may, the Collective of the victims of the ex-strong man in n’djamena represented by Reed Brody, lawyer for the NGO Human Rights Watch (HRW).

writing will advise you

Covid-19 : Hissène Habré to be provisionally released