First smoke combination with low temperature district boiler, and now is also the red building Block 3 in the ruins.

Earlier Thursday, when the clock struck 13, sounded the horn, and a few seconds later it was in combination with low temperature district building Block 3 blown.

You can see the firing at the top of the article.

the Firing was going on according to plan and was a part of the demolition of the power plant at ensted Power station. The work has over 40 years supplied energy to the citizens of Aabenraa and the surrounding area.

however, It is neither the first nor the last time, citizens can expect high bang in connection with the demolition work. In may earlier this year, was the kedelbygningen by the work blown up during the great attention from the attendees citizens.

Also at today’s blasting was more curious citizens showed up. According to JydskeVestkysten, there was even more in attendance at Thursday’s blasting than by firing in may.

After the new year, citizens around the City so meeting up for another blasting. Here the work’s 184 meter high chimney, which is the tallest building at the plant, also levelled with the ground.

In 2020 is expected nedrivningsarbejdet to be over. In the future, the area shall be used for a business location.