on Wednesday 12 August in the morning, a line has derailed in the north-east of Scotland. The incident, which would be due to the weather conditions of the region affected by the floods, has made several ” serious injuries “, according to the First minister of scotland Nicola Sturgeon. “This is an incident extremely serious,” said the woman on Twitter. The british Prime minister Boris Johnson is said about him ” saddened to learn of the incident very serious in the Aberdeenshire “, passing on his “thoughts” to the victims and their loved ones.

The clouds of smoke pumping out of the scene of the accident, which occurred in a hilly region, where flocked to several rescue vehicles and a helicopter, according to images broadcast by the BBC. The train itself was not visible. “We are currently handling an incident on the line at Stonehaven, in Aberdeenshire, where a train has derailed “, has tweeted in the morning the transport police british. “The officers were called to the scene at 9: 43 (8: 43 pm GMT) and will remain there alongside paramedics and firefighters,” added the police, without more details on potential victims.

Heavy rain

No track has been raised about the cause of the accident, the sources quoted in the british media suggesting a possible link with the weather conditions in the region. Heavy rain and thunderstorm occurred in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday in Scotland, which have caused flooding in the area and caused delays in rail traffic. A landslide occurred at Carmont, not far from the scene of the incident.

also Read: Boris Johnson : a year of storms

” Our teams worked throughout the night to try to keep the network open, in spite of the torrential rains and lightning. There are, however, disturbances on several routes “, had tweeted in the morning, Network Rail Scotland, which manages scotland’s rail network. Mp Andrew Bowie, who was in the town of Stonehaven, on Wednesday morning, has seen “homes and businesses are affected” by the weather, he testified on Twitter. “But it would have been far worse without the swift work of the residents and emergency services. Fortunately, the water recedes quickly, ” he added on the social network.

A reconfinement local

The accident occurred whereas Aberdeen, where the train is currently partially reconfinée because of a peak in the case of a new coronavirus, first identified last week in this coastal city, where is very present in the oil industry. The pubs and restaurants were closed, and the limitations on travel réimposés. These restrictions, announced a week ago, will be held, announced by Nicola Sturgeon on Wednesday. “I know that the inhabitants of Aberdeen, who face extreme weather conditions as well as the Covid, will be disappointed by this decision “, said Ms Sturgeon, ” but I would like to thank them for having so well respected the rules that we put in place last week “. The United Kingdom is the country with the most mournful in Europe by the current pandemic, with more than 46 000 dead.