recipients of unemployment benefit II (Hartz IV) suffer twice under the Corona of a pandemic. You can’t exercise because of the restrictions often their part-time jobs and thus have cost even more with the increase in Food fight.

free services are temporarily closed, and also the risk of Corona, is in the case of low-income workers is often higher. So, for example, in April, to a Corona outbreak in a meat company in baden-württemberg birch box. Tell us about your experience in the Corona-crisis

workers or currently unemployed and not enough money are short? Tell us about your experiences by E-Mail with the subject “short-time work and Hartz IV” to

help from the Jobcenter

rejected “Everywhere, billion in Corona will be spent on aid. So much money goes anywhere, just for us, nothing is left,“ complains the 63-Year-old Christine Wichmann from forestry in the “Lausitzer Rundschau”. It is dependent on Hartz IV, after the deduction of rent, electricity and insurance for less than 100 euros per week of stay according to their own data. In the event of unforeseen costs such as a broken washing machine or a new slat you would have to take out a loan and troublesome to pay back. The skilled weaver has to Provide various conversion and ABM and earned a pick in the past few years, the Strawberry and asparagus-seller something. “But that has to be cancelled the chief this year due to Corona”.

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however, over the rounds, looking for Wichmann to the job centre to help in the amount of 200 euros. In vain. The justification: one-time payments are only provided for initial equipment for housing, for clothing, and in the case of pregnancies.

this answer was the Forsterin not satisfied and appealed directly to the Federal Minister for social Affairs, Hubertus Heil. He looks at the moment, however, no need to “demands for higher basic security benefits due to the Corona pandemic”.

“Hartz IV would have to be raised to 100 euros,”

see social medical professionals Professor Gerhard Trabert this is different, and in the “ntv” early start-Interview for a temporary increase of at least 100 Euro. Hartz-IV-recipients, in his view, not only the removal of kitchenettes, free school meals and other offers of help, but also more common activities in which they are exposed to a higher Corona-risk of infection. Therefore, the cost for masks should be in the Budget included calls for Trabert. To the PDF-guide – assistance in case of unemployment

Groundbreaking court ruling for students

good news can look forward to students from financially weak families. The land social court in Essen has awarded on Monday a high school student with Hartz-IV-respect of the right to a Tablet. The job centre had rejected the application, in the amount of 150 euros, even though the head of the school, confirmed that a Internet enabled Computer for the homework required.

The judge see it in times of Corona-related digital teaching, such as “basic protection of the legally relevant demand for education and participation”. Although the student has, thanks to a donation in the meantime, you already have a Tablet, however, many other children will benefit from this judgment.

  • read: Hartz-IV-judgment makes it clear that the Jobcenter poor children Tablet in Corona-crisis numbers
  • surf tip: the Mega-Crash without the unemployed need? Why the Corona lobe just delayed strikes

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