” Save the job “. Such is the priority of Emmanuel Macron, which had launched three weeks ago a consultation to meet this challenge. The head of State received again this Wednesday, June 24, the social partners for their reveal of the first arbitration, including the new feature of ” partial unemployment of long duration.

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While the Unédic anticipates the destruction of 900,000 jobs by 2020, trade unions and employer organisations expect answers, or at least of the “guidance” on five topics – part-time unemployment, unemployment insurance, youth employment, work detached and professional training – discussed with the ministry of Labour since 8 June. If all of these themes will be discussed, it is mainly the partial which should be the subject of announcements, detailed with the new mechanism ” of reduced activity for continued employment “, which shall enter into force on the 1st July.

Avoid massive layoffs

Issue: avoid massive layoffs in companies whose sustainability is not questioned but are ” vulnerable to a reduction of sustainable activity “, such as aerospace. Inspired by a text signed in the metal industry, it would, according to union sources, a reduction of working time up to 40 % for 18 months to two years which would be offset by the State and Unédic, so that the employee receives around 90 % of net salary.

Read also what is going to look like the new regime of part-time unemployment long-term

Condition: it must necessarily be the subject of a collective agreement majority in the company or in the industry and include commitments on employment in return. This device should be more incentive than partial unemployment ” classic “, designed for temporary difficulties and massively used since the beginning of the crisis. After a first reduction of the wing at the beginning of June (with the exception of some sectors which are most affected, companies are now compensated not 100% but to 85 %), a second could be announced Wednesday, for the end of September. Has been raised during the consultation, according to the unions, an increase in the cost of the employer, but also a decrease in compensation of employees, currently 84 % of net salary.

Reform of the unemployment insurance

While the executive expects himself to a higher unemployment rate at 10 % at the end of the year, compared to 8.1 % by the end of 2019, the trade unions would also like to learn of the abandonment of the reform of the unemployment insurance decided last year, in a context of strong job creation. “The CFDT will not engage on a mobilization on the job if there was an item on the reform of the unemployment insurance as it is “, repeated on Tuesday its secretary general, Laurent Berger.

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In the line of sight association, the curing since November of the qualifying conditions (six months of work on the last 24 against four out of 28 in the past) and reloading (past one to six months of work); the change (deferred from 1 April to 1 September) the calculation of the allowance for claimants alternating short-term and unemployment; the gradual decrease at the end of six months for the managers (who was also suspended).If the minister of Labour, Muriel Pénicaud, said it was “pragmatic” and ready to move the sliders, in particular for a return to the rule of the four months, according to FO, it did not say how far the executive could back.

Towards the abandonment of the tax of 10 euros on the CDD to use ?

employers should obtain the abandonment of the tax of 10 euros on the CDD-purpose, short-term contracts and flexible used in areas highly affected by the crisis, such as catering or events. On the employment of young people, a priority of the government, while 700 000 young graduates are expected to be on the job market in the fall, the overall plan is not yet finalized, according to a government source. The image of what has been decided for the apprentices, the Economy minister, Bruno Le Maire, pleads “for a bonus to hiring young people,” that it is “permanent or fixed-term contract of 6 months” and ” in September “. Other projects are in progress, on the regulation of the work seconded that “the importance in France asks” according to Muriel Pénicaud, as well as on the job training to see how to strengthen the training of employment seekers and of employees in partial unemployment.

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