In every respect, Nikola wants to be the next Tesla. Great Visions? Are there. Superlative in the case of disclosure of new vehicles? Of course. A brilliant inventor as the name godfather? Logical. Even in the stock symbol, the Parallels are obvious. Tesla runs as TSLA on the Ticker, Nikola as NKLA.

another great thing in Common: the highest loss-making business. This was shown by Nikola, with its Figures for the second quarter – the first quarter, as the exchange group. To the for a young company is not surprising. To exceed the beginning of operational expenditure and investment of the revenue, until the margins are efficiently designed. Nikola 30,60 EUR +1,10 (+3,73%) Tradegate

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in the course of data

Happy investors are with the results but still. The share price fell after the Figures of 18 per cent. The recent gains prior to the Figures are fizzled out so abruptly. Finally, it went uphill slightly. The assumption is that here, speculators and bargain hunters are on the move. From the record, and recent High at 93,99 dollars the shares are far away.

Nikola disappointed even in the case of the self-made profit metric

The relevant Figures presented Nikola, as for such start-UPS is not uncommon, at the end of his quarterly message. In the front of the Nikola announced that a “world-class”management team, another Top Manager, won the first spade tricks a factory in Arizona, performs and the Expansion of manufacturing have been driven in Ulm, Germany, forward. Learn more in the Video Tutorial

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Sounds promising, but look at the bare Numbers are not the taste of the investors, then in the end. Overall, a loss of 88.6 million US dollars in accumulated GAAP-balance sheet standard in the second quarter, which corresponded to a loss of 0.33 dollars per share. In the prior-year quarter, Nikola lost the bottom line is 16.9 million dollars, or $ 0.06 per share.

However, the metrics outside of the GAAP Standards, have been disappointing. Corporations make even the “relevant” profit metrics, to present yourself a little better. However, the adjusted loss of 0.16 dollars per share was still below expectations. The Wall Street analysts had only expected a loss of $ 0.13 per share.

Microscopic sales only, thanks to Chef Trevor Milton

Vanishingly low, the turnover was. Or rather: It does not exist practically. Although Nikola reported at least $ 36,000 in Revenue, which represents an increase of 170 percent year-on-year. However, the revenues do not come from the actual business. As Nikola noted in the quarterly report with the U.S. securities and exchange Commission:

“Until now, we have generated revenue primarily through services at the installations of solar projects … Solar installation projects are not part of our primary business activities and are not expected to continue.”

But that’s not all. As a further note can be found in the section “related party transactions” – those transactions made with persons or companies that are close to the company, or otherwise have common interests. Here it is:

“In the three months to 30 September. June 2020 posted on the company’s sales […] for the deployment of Solar installation services for the Chairman of the Board, which were made on the Basis of time and materials into account.“

nothing else than that Nikolas occurs because the total revenue in the second quarter, therefore, that the company for Nikola-chief Trevor Milton solar has installed systems Means. After the cost of this small project, $ 6,000 remained, then left. In the prior-year quarter, Nikola made with such an endeavor a bit of revenue, at the time, but the company lost $ 11,000.

Not all of Nikolas’s balance sheet is bad> <p apart from this curious deal, the balance is somewhat acceptable. Create confidence around the research and development expenditure for the second quarter of 2019 three and a half fuelled. If Nikola really needs to be a second Tesla, is the focus on Innovation is essential. Here are the figures seems to be moving in the right direction.

Also in the case of the balance sheet, Nikola is equipped first, well, how the Assets and cash flows show. Although nearly $ 47.8 million from the fins operatively, and 669,5 millions of dollars were added on the financing side, the bulk of it through a device called a PIPE Deal. The acronym stands for “private investment in public equity” and refers to the purchase of public shares in an exclusive Deal.

Here is Nikola from various investors, including the asset Manager, Fidelity collected, during the merger with the stock exchange coat VectoIQ, a so-called SPAC, the bottom line is that 616,7 million dollars. Overall, the Cash reserves Nikolas rose in the second quarter, from 89.8 million to 707 million dollars. With this cushion Nikola could in theory make almost two more years of similar losses, as is the last before the new capital would be necessary.

topic: behind The stock market trend of the SPACs

this is a Parallel to Tesla. For years, Californians by cycled, and had billions in Cash reserves, burnt it, and collected with capital increases and bonds, and new capital. It is also conceivable that Nikola is on a similar path. This place would be on the balance sheet also, at least in terms of foreign capital. So far, namely, Nikola is at fault for hardly any.

No comparison to Tesla’s first quarter in the stock market

But there is a significant difference. Nikola has not yet made a Dollar in sales with the sale of the actual product – the Hybrid Trucks–. That was when Tesla is different. The electric car has the manufacturer lost in his first quarter on the stock exchange (second quarter 2010), while 38.5 million dollars or 5,04 dollars per share, but already with his cars, with a turnover of 23.9 million dollars.

in other words: Nikola has made sales of just 0.04 per cent of the loss of reflect. As Tesla has just come fresh to the stock market, has provided the operational side of the business is already revenue in the amount of 62 percent of the loss. And even this Small revenue, it would have been if boss Trevor Milton would have needed no solar system. FOCUS-MONEY – buying-Alarm! The new Corona a buying opportunity

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Sure, Nikola, waving to the investors in order to make this year 150 million Dollar revenue to rise by 2024 to $ 3.2 billion. As a whole, Nikola, promises, there are already orders for the equivalent of 10 billion dollars.

Nikolas share: Always with caution

enjoy there’s No question that Materializes this revenue stream yet, you can be the stock a good Investment. Tesla has made in the total year 2019 24.5 billion dollars in sales, the current market capitalization of 276,8 billion dollars, the share price is therefore at a sales Multiple of about 11.3. Nikolas forecasted sales for the year 2024, implies at the same Multiple, then a stock market value of 36,16 billion dollars – well three times as high as currently.

In terms of the second quarter, these prospects are probably the Only thing that investors irritates. Of course, is that in the stock market with the future is traded. But this is all just potential. Every investor wishes for the next Tesla , the next Apple , the next Amazon .

Maybe Nikola is a next Tesla or the next Amazon. Exclude the never. However, there is still a long way, and investors should treat the stock with caution – and never forget: at the beginning of the E-Commerce boom, there are hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of Amazon’s. Now there is only one Amazon. And while shareholders cheer Amazon’s, have lost the owner of the other candidates, probably a large part of their capital.

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