This Tuesday, the 11th of August, on the occasion of a council of defence, Emmanuel Macron has announced the building next to the security measures of the French in the Sahel. “I have decided to strengthen measures for the safety of our nationals in the region “, announced the head of State in a tweet shared at the end of this council of defence he chaired a video-conference from the fort of Brégançon, to Borme-les-Mimosas (Var), where he is on vacation. For the time being, the concrete measures have not been announced.

“we do everything We can to support the families of the victims and to respond to the attack, which claimed the lives of six of our nationals and two Nigerians” have also been provided by Emmanuel Macron. “The members of the NGO Acted, these six young people showed a remarkable commitment to the people,” he added.

Emmanuel Macron has also paid tribute Tuesday to the six young French aid killed Sunday in Niger at the start of a defense council devoted to the consequences of judicial, military, and diplomatic of the attack. “I want to begin this council by a thought for their families, their loved ones, themselves and all that they represent the commitment of our youth “, he added.

A second defence council dedicated to the Covid-19

During the meeting, “it is important that you can do the update on the situation in Niger, the elements that are in our possession, the progress of the investigation, diplomatic efforts that we must perform, of course the military consequences that we should draw the consequences on all of our devices in the region,” Sahel said the president. The government should also consider the tribute that will be paid to the six victims and the French operations of the ” return of the body “, said Emmanuel Macron.

Read also But where is the France in the Sahel ?

This council of defence meets the Prime minister, Jean Castex, and the ministers of the Armed Florence Parly, the Interior Gérald Darmanin and Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti, while that of foreign Affairs, Jean-Yves Le Drian, is represented in his absence.

In total, seven people working for the NGO Acted, (Agence d’aide à la cooperation technique et au development) were killed on Sunday with their guide in niger by armed men, to Kouré, 60 kilometres to the south-east of Niamey, during a tourist trip. In the wake of this meeting, the head of State will preside over a second defence council, devoted to the health situation on the Covid-19.

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