wind Turbines produced rekordmængder clean energy in 2019. Use green power to make the fuel, recommend DI.

wind power goes forward, and the coal is on the retreat: Already in the end of the year puts the renewable energy several records in Denmark’s electricity production.

the Whole 72 percent accounted for the CO2-free energy sources in power production – that is, wind turbines, solar cells and biomass.

Looking at our consumption of electricity, is the solar – and wind power’s share of 49 percent in the year – an increase from 45 percent two years ago. Solar accounts for 3 percent.

wind turbine total production, of which a part is exported, also a record, shows a preliminary inventory.

It is the branch organization Danish Energy association, who have figured on figures from the energy statistics 2018, and data from the european network ENTSO-E.

Until 16. december, there is produced 15 TWh (terawatt-hours) of wind energy in the 2019, which corresponds to the electricity consumption of 3.75 million households.

at the same time, climate-damaging coal in the two years fell by a third to 13.3 percent of electricity production. The proportion of biomass, that is to say particularly imported wood pellets, is about to flatten out.

Lars Aagaard, ceo, Danish Energy association, is pleased.

– It is the result of 30 years of energy policy. Now we have ten years to fix it last.

the Trend is really. But it requires that we have a clear policy to fast to press coal, oil and gas out there where we use it in transport, industry and heating, for the benefit of electricity, he says.

the Curves for the clean energy must be steeper, if we are to be in goal with 70 percent CO2 reduction by 2030, says Lars Aagaard.

He points out that it is now possible to produce electricity from wind turbines and solar panels – with biomass as a backup to prices – there will not be higher for the consumer.

Branchedirektør Troels Ranis of Danish Industries (DI) welcomes also.

By 2030, the electricity production to 100 percent CO2-free, foresee he.

– We will need lots of green power in the future. It can be for fuels such as hydrogen and green gas, which can be poured into the tank in ships, planes and trucks, says Troels Ranis.

Denmark has still three big coal-fired power stations in operation in Esbjerg, Odense and Aalborg. They promise to send coal to retire by 2023, 2025 and 2028.
