Minority shareholders prepare a lawsuit for the takeover of Indra’s board. As ABC has learned, minority shareholders will take to court the dismissal and non-reelection of five independent members of the listed company’s governing body. The minority shareholders feel harmed by the changes in the company and will file a lawsuit through the Cremades law firm

The maneuver by SEPI, Amber (the group that owns Prisa) and the Basque Sapa took place at the shareholders’ meeting last Thursday, when the three groups joined forces to promote the dismissal of four independent directors: Alberto Terol, Carmen Aquerreta, Ana of Pro and Enrique de Leyva.

In addition, they prevented the renewal of a fifth director, Isabel Torremocha.

This change in the board was severely punished by the market, since last Friday Indra experienced its worst trading session since 1999 and fell almost 15%. The president of the CNMV, Rodrigo Buenaventura, has already warned that the assault surprised the supervisor, although he has not yet taken any action against the takeover of the technology company.

The crisis, far from being closed, worsened this Monday, when another independent director, Silvia Iranzo, presented her resignation in protest. Indra’s board met urgently last morning to analyze the crisis and company sources assure that the profiles that will replace the six outgoing directors will be technological and will maintain their independence.