In the year 2018 , the proportion of early retirement the previous Federal officials in 12.2% , as the “Seventh of supply report by the Federal government” shows in March 2020.

In the figures, it literally means: “The share of retirements due to disability has increased in direct Federal area in the last few years.” This applies to officials of the Federal authorities, in the armed forces as well as judges. In absolute Figures, there were “approximately 580 cases”, such as it is.

number of Federal employees, stormy

grown recently with The average age of all Federal officials, which, because of incapacity in retirement, according to the Figures, approximately 54 years. The Federal government currently employs 200,000 civil servants, and reached a new record. In just the past 24 months, around 23,500 new jobs were created by the Federal government. It is, however, not only to civil servants.

Federal government wants reported number of early retirees chokes

for years the Federal government attempts to reduce the rate of early retirees, the “world”. This includes measures such as discounts belonging on the amount of the Pension in the event of early retirement. These financial losses increased in the year 2018, four percent of all retirees aware, in that they themselves asked for early retirement.

For the Trend towards early retirement at the taxpayers ‘ expense, according to the report, two main reasons for this: The “are the Ageing population and the increasing workload in the public service,” said Ulrich Silberbach, Federal Chairman of the German civil servants ‘ Federation dbb, the “world”.

“fewer and fewer Employees have to fulfill more tasks,” the dbb-Boss. Important reasons for this development is the increase in Migration since 2015, as well as the current Corona-crisis.

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the increasing workload of the Federal is a critical factor from the point of view of the Dar-heads: Around a third of all Federal civil servants was 55 years of age or older. This will lead to a worse health state of the Affected, the report says.

thanks to early retirement authorities of head employees of los

But the high work load – for example, for police officers in duration of use is only part of the Early retirement be.

another factor is to clean up the staff. “For some authorities it was a time of simple, unpopular peers due to service to put inability to take early retirement, as the underlying problems,” says Gisela Färber of the German University of administrative Sciences Speyer.

bloodletting to professionals

at an Early stage from the service of retiring officers lead to a lot of Know-how is lost. But even more important is the high cost, for which the taxpayer has to pay are. A civil servant in early retirement costs the state is computationally about twice as much as a normal civil servant, said the financial scientist dyers in the report.

The expert also advises the authorities to do more to keep the officers in the service. As a shortcoming Dyer calls “a few transport options,” in the Public service. Everything you know about your pension

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Big differences between pensions and civil servants ‘ pensions

The above Figures show that A majority of the officers working up to the regular pension limit of a maximum of 67 years. Nevertheless, it is known: Ex-public servants have a significantly higher Pensions than regular workers. This is true even if you switch early retirement.

The average old-age pension in Germany in the year 2018 in the case of 902 Euro , such as the Deutsche Rentenversicherung determined. Men came then, in the section on 1087 Euro , women 688 Euro . The amounts are health and nursing care insurance contributions already deducted.

According to the official Figures, the level of pensions reached normal workers in 2019 in the section 48,16 percent .

Also interesting: 1761 Euro Minimum Twice as much Pension as retirement: the gap between the civil servants and pensioners getting bigger

The so-called civil servants ‘ pensions for former state servants, however, quite different. The reasons for this is that you will get as a result of the statutory provisions up to 71,75 per cent of your last – and highest – salary as a pension. This percentage value you achieve with a calculator after 40 years, because each full year of service brings 1,79375 percentage points. However, all the officials not to create long as long periods of service and either because they retire prematurely.

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