The consumer advice centers are calling for the future Germany ticket for buses and trains to be as flexible as possible.

The head of the federal association (vzbv), Ramona Pop, told the German press agency: “We advocate broad access to the 49-euro ticket, which can be bought through all sales channels and which you don’t have to sign up for at least a year have to bind a subscription.” In the meantime one has the impression “that the tugging has not done the project any good”. You don’t know exactly when the ticket will come and who will get it and how. It looks as if the federal and state governments want to get “the narrowest possible variant” off the ground.

The nationwide public transport ticket is to come in the new year at the introductory price of 49 euros per month and build on the popular 9-euro ticket from the summer. The start date is open, the countries are aiming for April 1, 2023. A digitally bookable, monthly terminable subscription is planned. Many details are still unclear.

Pop said that the next step, which had to be done quickly, was a nationwide social ticket for 19 euros. She again called for generally extended passenger rights for rail passengers. Problems with delays have increased drastically. “In view of this, the right to compensation should apply if there is a 30-minute delay,” said the head of the association. Here you could work unbureaucratically with 10-euro vouchers. There is currently a claim for compensation of 25 percent of the fare from 60 minutes.