Jens Henrik Højbjerg stops after 11 years as rigspolitichef by the end of February 2020.

the Resignation is done with a view to Jens Henrik Højbjerg to join the position as a police advisor, manages by the Danish UN mission in New York during the summer of 2020.

It informs the ministry of Justice in a press release.

– It has been a huge privilege to stand at the head of the Danish police for so long a period of time, ” says Jens Henrik Højbjerg in the message.

– I would like to say a big big thank you to all staff who each day with dedication and courage to solve the many different and unpredictable tasks. It has been a daily joy. It has been an honor. It comes I miss.

Justice minister Nick Hækkerup (S) thank Jens Henrik Højbjerg for the effort.

– It has been a demanding year with a very large pressure on our police officers and a time that has been marked by a new kriminalitetsbillede with bandekonflikter, serious threat of terrorism, cyber-crime and increasing economic crime.

– Jens Henrik Højbjerg has been crucial for a profound renewal of the Danish police, which has helped to ensure that our police can provide security to all of us.

– I wish him the best of luck with the new position as a police advisor, manages by the Danish UN mission in New York, says in a comment from the minister.

the 64-year-old Jens Henrik Højberg has had a long career in the police.

He took over the post as rigspolitichef in 2009. Previously he was police commissioner in the North jutland Police.

the Ad several times, he has been with the Greenland Police from 1982 to 1984 he was politifuldmægtig in Greenland, while he was vicepolitimester in Greenland from 1988 to 1992.

He has also been employed at the Nato Defence College in Rome and has been deputy director of Europol in the Hague.

the President of the Politiforbundet, Claus Oxfeldt, also has good words to say about the commissioner of police.

In a comment on the federation’s website he says that Jens Henrik Højbjerg has been fighting for the police, and that even when the waves are gone loud, it’s been a good tone.
