“I’m not giving up. I promise. It should probably succeed.”

436 days have passed since Frank Thøgersen in the middle of a hug gave his papdatter a promise, before he reluctantly saw half of his family disappear out through the gate in the Airport.

“I’ve tried to get a divorce, but it is to be ripped apart,” said Frank Thøgersen on 8. October last year, immediately after he had given the Mint a hug and his wife a last kiss.

the Mint last year to the refusal of a residence permit in Denmark, because she was rated not integrated. So she needed with seven days notice to leave the country.

“Mint could not be alone in Thailand, so we decided that my wife would travel with her,” Frank says Thøgersen, who was himself in Denmark and took care of his work and their shared son Malick.

today it’s 8. October as a day he will never forget.

the Whole situation in the airport is him as taken out of one of the many julefilm, where people get divorced in a brutal show and only at the very end reunited.

And just like in the julefilmene when they also the point where everything looks black.

When the last nail is knocked in the coffin, as Frank Thøgersen even remember the month of February.

Where the half of the family no longer dare to believe, that it shall end well, and Frank near were ended as alenefar.

When Frank Thøgersen even throws a glance at the Mint and younger brother Malick in yet another tudescene in Bangkok Airport and think: ‘What am I exposing my children?’

“It has worn out,” he says of the last year’s battle to be allowed to live together as family in Denmark.

the Most obvious is the four-year old malick’s response that he in a year – a quarter of his life – not have had a mother, he could crush and kiss goodnight.

“even Though we have skypet every day, so it is not the same as physical contact,” says Frank Thøgersen.

With a new government that promised a change in the law, which would also include Mint, got the family in the summer, a new hope.

the Law was scheduled to enter into force on 1. January, so the family selected in October, the Mint could come to Denmark on a 30 day tourist visa.

In just under two months, they have now lived together as a normal family. Eaten flødekartofler, shopped at Fisketorvet, and cared for their kindergarten, school, work and Danish tuition.

Thursday is holding the dog all four free. It is the day on which their future as a family will be settled in Folketingssalen.

the Day, where the law, as the Mint has now become the face on, to vote in Folketingssalen.

“Then surely the party, says all to me. But no, we will not celebrate until it drops a yellow health insurance card to the Mint in at the door,” Frank says Thøgersen.

however, He may not hide the relief that he is very close to the to have kept his promise to his papdatter.

“I did not give up. And I have not regretted a single fight,” he says, and continues:

“If there is something in life that is worth fighting for, is it to keep the family together. It is a battle that must be fought.”