Herning Hospital and Holstebro Hospital has had to send patients in isolation after a major outbreak of norovirus.

the Outbreak of the norovirus started on Monday and plagues, continue to the two hospitals.

these days focuses the hospital staff, therefore, greatly that the infection does not spread further. It writes the TV Midtvest.

“You know that if you do not do something, then it is all the departments that will be affected. It is violently contagious here,” says Jens Friis Bak, who is medical director at the hospital.

If you get hit by the norovirus, if you have had an infection with norovirussen. The virus can cause violent nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. And as Jens Friis Bak stresses, is the virus is extremely contagious.

Although the number of patients with norovirus has dropped from 20 to 11 in a day at the Herning Hospital, the staff has not put arbejdshandskerne on the shelf, assures Jens Friis Bak.

“More rooms are marked with signs, where there is no access, and the staff is extremely advised to wear hygiejnehandsker and the like,” he says to the TV Midtvest.

the course of Disease when norovirus extends usually over a few days. You can better avoid the disease with good hygiene, including thorough handwashing.