The federal government is discussing a possible scrapping premium for old heating systems. “We’re open to that at first, we think it’s positive,” said a spokeswoman for the SPD-led Federal Ministry of Building today in Berlin. So far, however, it is only a contribution to the discussion.

The “Spiegel” had previously reported that a “scrappage bonus for old boilers” was under discussion, similar to what was done for cars after the 2009 financial crisis. Government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit was reluctant and said: “A scrapping premium, as I have now read somewhere, would be new to me.”

From 2024, if possible, every newly installed heating system should be operated with 65 percent renewable energy. The traffic light coalition had already agreed on this a year ago. The first draft law on this from the Economics and Building Ministries, which became known at the end of February, has been the subject of heated debate since the plans could result in a de facto ban on the installation of new gas and oil heating systems.

Money should be distributed fairly

On the sidelines of a trip to Copenhagen, Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) emphasized the importance of social differentiation in the planned billion-euro additional funding for heating exchange. Young families who have little money and retirees who have a tight pension must be supported differently than the “millionaire who already has three villas”. Habeck answered the question of whether a scrapping premium for old boilers was conceivable and said that such a thing already existed.

The Economics Minister referred to the existing subsidy, in which the installation of a heat pump or replacement is subsidized with up to 40 percent of the investment costs. However, this is not yet specific and sufficient enough for the future, because it is a flat-rate payment that is independent of income. That doesn’t seem like the best answer to him.

According to the “Spiegel” report, it is also being considered that apartment and house owners with higher incomes could get cheap loans for the purchase of a heat pump. In addition, it should also remain the case that one can write off 20 percent of the investment from income tax, which could be a financially interesting option, especially for high earners.