The Federal government wants to decide on the stimulus package directly after the Pentecost in order to bring the economy to the Corona-crisis again. You will need to distribute the billion – if you want to meet only a fraction of the many wishes.

“is Important not to get bogged down in individual measures”, – stated in the paper of the DIHK, which is present the German press Agency. The liquidity would need to be bridged problems of companies of Germany as a business location is strengthened. In the discussion about all the future had to be taken in the view. “Because after the crisis the world is distributed the market”, says the DIHK-the concept literally.

Five points is crucial for the economic stimulus package

From the point of view of the chamber of industry and Commerce organization, it comes down to five points are decisive:

  • Urgently required for cross-Bridging loans in the Corona-crisis continues to be particularly impacted companies, in the gastronomy and tourism, but also in the event area of the industry. “For these companies, it currently goes to the existence”, quoted by the dpa from the Letter. Federal Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) had proposed such support in the Form of subsidies in the Billion range.
  • More it is, the tax losses should be significantly improved.
  • in addition, investment incentives for companies and investment funds in the public budgets increased, should be set.
  • the method would need to be accelerated, for example by less planning stages, and “compressed” the public process, and environmental audits. This is required for a long time of the economy, so that the Expansion of such Transmission or electricity pylons and wind turbines, is moving forward.
  • Federal, state and local governments should also prioritise the digitisation of their administration, with full force.
  • Everything about the development of the Corona-crisis

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    report: especially short-time work, children, money, and local authorities in focus

    A report by the “Bild am Sonntag” (“BamS”), according to Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz, is of the essence, however, in three other measures:

    • The extension of short-time working allowance from 12 to 24 months. The increase in the short-time working allowance should not be extended from 60 to up to 80 percent, but they are probably.
    • Added the payment of a one-off child bonus in the amount of 300 Euro per child, as well as a
    • rescue package for the municipalities, which in addition to a debts control, that the Federal government and the Länder, the collapse in trade to replace the half of the tax revenue going to come from.

    But the are Far from the only claims addressed to the government. An Overview of the proposals and desires from the world of politics and economy, you can find here: great concert for the stimulus package

    the government seems to want to “spend only” 75 to 80 billion Euro.

    As the “BamS” citing government circles, reported to include the package of measures with a total volume of 75 to 80 billion euros. The Federal government should take over thereafter, most of with “well over 60 billion”, the Rest of the countries. The 100-billion-Euro limit, said the CSU Chairman Markus Söder to the upper border, to be “clearly below”.

    now, the Federal government has due to the Corona pandemic, with 156 billion euros in debt is enormous – it is likely that additional loans are for the stimulus package, but still necessary. On the feasibility of a new borrowing, and the scope of experts and politicians argue for quite some time. Read more here: Global debt has exploded: it is imperative that States pay the money back?

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    should pay attention to