The Criptan Break meetings, organized by Criptan, the Spanish savings platform, are consolidated as scenarios that lead the face-to-face debate around the crypto universe and the blockchain. As in the case of the recent call at the Monteverdi Club in Madrid, with the presence of leading specialists to bring cryptocurrencies closer to the daily life of many women, from knowledge and responsibility. Understanding their role and their contexts, as well as the caution of investors, is also a priority for the Spanish startup, in order to offer the financial products that best suit the needs of each person.

In a context in which Luna, a cryptocurrency named after a natural satellite and also after a woman, has grabbed headlines around the world due to the collapse of its value, events like this are even more necessary to address the reality and projection of the crypto world, of blockchain, of the web 3.

A realistic vision, not at all alarmist, based on knowledge, as well as the challenges and the way forward in the future, were some of the issues addressed in ‘Woman in Crypto’, focused by and for women. Yael H. Oaknín, co-founder of Token City; Paula Pascual, Crypto

The head of the Blockchain Observatory also referred to the concern raised by the recent news of the fall in value of a cryptocurrency: «It has been a moment of reflection for investors and comes to tell us how important it is to invest with greater responsibility, much better informed and in the projects that we really understand, with a value and a reason».

Oaknín detailed, for his part, the most important points to enter the crypto world, a new era for which it is important to understand the underlying concept of its usefulness and the benefits it can bring: «It is essential to make small operations to familiarize yourself and get to know all the products. And as for the user interface for the general public, it requires more work, it is like the beginnings of the internet, as it expands it will improve, and it may be closer to everyone. Pascual focused on the security challenges (another of the aspects most subject to debate): reinforcing even more the protection of private keys and other details will be one of the key aspects to be able to provide the ecosystem with greater confidence and security.

The crypto world is proving to be one of the most inclusive activities of the 21st century. In fact, among those attending the event were many women from communication, agriculture or art, most of them entrepreneurs with notions or forays into this ecosystem.

In the case of Criptan, Argentina’s Martina Acquani, the company’s Growth Strategy LATAM, presented the participants with a summary of the most relevant data on the profile of investors in crypto assets. An environment in which, according to a study by State of Crypto (USA, 2021), only 23% of women invest in crypto compared to 77% of men… however, when the percentage is analyzed of ‘cryptocurious’, the percentage rises to 53%. “This a few years ago was not like that at all (acquani stressed), but we are witnessing a very interesting moment in terms of knowledge and investment in cryptocurrencies, in which women are achieving greater prominence.” In this environment, Criptan’s commitment to Latin America was highlighted, a market that currently has about 48 million people active in the crypto universe and serious needs to cover due to high inflation and the lack of profitable solutions to maintain the purchasing power. In this line, the Spanish startup has launched its services, after more than a year of planning, strategy and development, with a focus on the particular needs of each country, and not only on what the current market offers. Argentina (with 23%) and Mexico (with 11%) stand out among the main sources of penetration.

According to a study by the online bank N26 in four European markets, the amount invested by Spanish women is 15% lower than the male average, a figure that may change throughout 2022, since nearly 76% of women who already they invest plan to double their monthly amount. Among women who have not yet invested, 27% say they will start by investing in cryptocurrencies. As a main profile, those who work in the financial and technology sectors are the ones who spend the most money for this purpose, even taking into account that, for the most part, they have a lower monthly income than men.

Debate, learning and reflection meetings such as the CriptanBreak are of vital importance to eliminate any gender or age gap, and to bet on the growth and use of cryptocurrencies in our day to day, from responsibility, equal conditions and knowledge of people. In this sense, ‘Woman in Crypto’ has been a complete success.

The new savings opportunities offered by DeFI technology are capitalized on by companies like Criptan, which offer the advantages of stablecoins (cryptocurrencies that avoid price volatility). And they provide savings building tools such as CriptanEarn, which allows significant returns (9% compound interest products) to be achieved through weekly payments of such returns. A safe and at the same time attractive solution for the current times of inflation and uncertainty.