We felt strong, and this January 11, 2015. And many : 4 million, at least. We said that we would not do, that we would not be afraid. But what became of this oath ? The trial of the attacks of Charlie Hebdo, Montrouge and Hyper Hide will begin in September. Beyond the defendants – side, the assassins are dead, the conclusion is depressing.

Charlie Hebdo lives under death threats. What it represents, freedom, is, in fact, under house arrest. France is paralyzed as soon as the word islam appears. The world of politics and the media celebrated…

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Freedom of expression – Me Richard Malka : “The situation is much worse than it was five years ago,” Security, terrorism, the presumption of innocence… Gérald Darmanin said Case Mila : “in the face of terror “, the parents denounced the inertia of the school Étienne Gernelle – When the Greens are hurting the ecology