According to the Federal Network Agency, Germany is attacking its gas reserves because of the icy weather. According to the authority, this is “no cause for concern”. “Because of the cold temperatures, gas has been withdrawn for a few days. Since, according to the weather forecasts, it will remain cold for a few more days, gas will probably continue to be withdrawn,” said the President of the Federal Network Agency, Klaus Müller, to the “Rheinische Post”.

However, he emphasized that the storage facilities in Germany are very well filled at 88.8 percent. “Participants in the gas markets are also relaxed: prices have even fallen slightly in the last few days, and cold phases like now have been priced in.”

Nevertheless, advice for thrift

Looking ahead to the next few weeks, Müller said: “A gas shortage is unlikely. It would only be difficult if it were very cold for many weeks and there were problems with the gas supply to our neighbors, for example.” The head of the authorities still advises thrift: “Nevertheless, it’s good to continue saving gas – even for your own wallet.”

With regard to security of supply, Müller had already emphasized on Wednesday that the gas storage facilities in Germany were still very well filled. Despite a series of really cold days with high gas consumption, the Federal Network Agency is “very optimistic about the gas supply this winter,” he said in Erfurt.