Some federal states are demanding improvements to the federal government’s heating plans. This is based on recommendations from various committees of the Federal Council. However, the consultations are only just beginning.

Lower Saxony’s Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) said in the ZDF “Morgenmagazin” that funding had to be adjusted in particular. “The goal must be that people with a small budget in particular are not overwhelmed. That is taken into account in the concept that the federal government has presented. But in my view it is not yet sufficient.”

The Federal Council’s environment committee, in which many green state environment ministers are represented, is calling for the heating plans to be tightened. According to the federal government’s draft law, there should be a general ban on operating boilers with fossil fuels after December 31, 2044. This goal is compatible with the goal of the federal government to achieve a climate-neutral building stock by 2045. In some countries, however, climate neutrality is being sought even earlier. “In order to be able to achieve these goals, the countries must be given the opportunity to enact regulations banning the operation of heating boilers with fossil fuels at an earlier stage.”

The Federal Council will vote on the recommendations on May 12. It is unclear whether these will be accepted. Weil pointed out that we are at the very beginning of the legislative process. There are different recommendations in the committees of the Federal Council. The Federal Council will have to decide on this at the next meeting. The Bundestag is also at the beginning of parliamentary deliberations. The FDP has already called for significant improvements.

Criticism of the planned 65 percent rule

According to the draft law passed by the Federal Cabinet, from 2024 every newly installed heating system should be operated with 65 percent renewable energy. This is intended to herald the departure from gas and oil heating systems. There is no immediate obligation to replace heating systems in existing buildings. If a device breaks down and can no longer be repaired, there are transitional periods.

The Federal Council Committee for Urban Development and Housing is critical of the planned 65 percent regulation from 2024. An implementation in practice is not possible in such a short time, it is said, with reference to existing supply bottlenecks for heat pumps and a lack of skilled workers. “For a more implementation-oriented approach, January 1, 2027 is realistic.”

Green party leader Ricarda Lang said on RTL/ntv’s “Frühstart” program about demands from the Federal Council’s environmental committee: “Further tightening is not planned.” The opposite is the case. “If we as Greens say at one point that we have to do it again, then it’s social support.” She would find it much more sensible to proceed in a socially staggered manner. Those who have little should get more support. That is now the subject of negotiations in the Bundestag.