cost of electricity, tax relief, purchase bonus: what is the cornerstone of the Federal government presented Corona’s economic recovery plan? The Details of what was agreed in Berlin financial assistance.

the Federal government and the countries put together a 130 billion Euro large bailout to combat the Corona-follow in Germany. The measures catalogue of the economic recovery plan includes 57 points – and relates to different sectors of the economy. The field of renewable energies and the shift in Traffic has played a pioneering role. We are the box Details .

Berlin – After much wrangling, agreed to the Federation and the Länder in the fight against the impact of Corona-pandemic in the years 2020 and 2021 on a stimulus package in the considerable amount of 130 billion euros. As German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in Berlin, according to the consultations of the coalition tip are borne by the Federal government, 120 billion Euro, the main part of the Corona the rescue package .

A core item is a temporary reduced VAT : From 1 is. July to the end of the year 2020, the VAT rate is reduced from 19 percent to 16 percent – and in the case of the already reduced rate from 7 percent to 5 percent. Even with the cost of electricity to the population is to be relieved, families get money directly from the state: Union and SPD agreed on a children’s bonus one-time payment of 300 Euro per child to be paid with the child benefit.

economy programme Corona: children’s bonus points of the billion-Packets

The financially hard-hit communities receive billions in aid from the Federal government. So failures to be in the trade tax revenue of the Federation and the länder together in balance. The coalition pointed also agreed on an additional support in the billions for the industries that are charged by the Corona-crisis. Are planned “Bridging loans” in the amount of up to 25 billion euros, as a polarizing decision paper shows.

Svenja Schulze (SPD) has praised the Corona-financial aid due to their climate action as the way of the future. Your was important “that we really are fostering technologies of the future,” said the Federal Minister for the environment, NDR Info. You confirmed to purchase, no premiums for cars with a combustion engine: “to Me, it was important that we promote the internal combustion engine, such as the 2008/2009 was the case.” The government wants to help manufacturers “that make it all the way in the future, and that they build the Cars that will be needed in the future,” said the Minister of the environment. The new Corona-stimulus program to bring more pace into the traffic, turning and helps the climate and the environment. But environment friendly transport would be supported resources such as public transport and the Railways with billions.

+ Federal Economics Minister, Peter Altmaier, presented the elaborate economic program as a “force package” for the Nation.©Reuters / Michael Sohn

the Federal government Can do with the stimulus package the German economy after the Corona-crisis fit for the future? The 57-point program, presented by Federal Economics Minister, Peter Altmaier, , includes the following measures:

Corona-crisis economic program to strengthen economic power and social hardship reduce

VAT to 1. July to be lowered for a period of six months from 19 to 16 percent, the discounted tax rate from seven to five percent.

grants to the social funds from the Federal budget to ensure that the insurance contributions to rise in spite of the Corona-related charges until the end of 2021 about 40 percent.

current price: For you to give it to a relief by the EEG levy will be reduced from currently of 6.76 cents per kilowatt-hour in 2021 to 6.5 cents and 2022, to 6.0 cents. For companies, additional relief is provided for example by enhanced depreciation opportunities.

Small and medium-sized enterprises : For the companies to give it for the months of June to August, additional interim assistance of up to 25 billion euros. A special program of one billion euros is planned to mitigate the impact of the pandemic in the area of culture.

families are supported with a one-time child bonus of € 300 per child. To benefit families with low-and middle-income, Hartz IV, the performance will not be counted. In addition, the so-called discharge contribution for Single-parent families, acts as a free amount, 2020, and 2021 of 1908 Euro will be raised to 4000 Euro.

in Addition to three billion euros to schools in the Expansion of day-care centres, full-day and full-day care to flow, as well as the promotion of digital learning . Companies can receive, under certain conditions, premiums for training places.

States and municipalities be relieved in the case of social benefits to cover the cost of the property permanently in the volume of around four billion euros per year. For 2020, a local solidarity Pact in a volume of 5.9 billion euros of crisis-related interruption of trade is to compensate for expensive.

Can Corona-the economic program of traffic turning in Germany to accelerate?

For the public transport it to 2020 regionalisation funds of 2.5 billion Euro. In addition, other means such as for sports facilities, and municipal investments.

future package “: The motor Vehicle tax is mainly on CO2-emissions aligned, and emissions of 95 grams per Kilometer will be gradually raised. The current tax exemption for electric vehicles will be extended until the end of 2030.

E-Auto-premium: The Federal support for electric cars is until the end of 2021 doubled, as previously, premium the manufacturer. Additional fleet replacement programs for the benefit of E-vehicles for craftsmen, small businesses and social services. E-buses will in the future be promoted more. 2.5 billion euros should flow into the Expansion of the charging infrastructure and the production of battery cells. Gas stations will have to offer E-charging points.

A previously discussed purchase of the premium for cars with a combustion engine is not there.

Also, the fuel cell technology is taken into account in the measures: In the framework of a national hydrogen strategy up to 2030, the production facilities of up to five gigawatts of total capacity will be created, including the necessary wind turbines. Promoted the use of “green water will be a witness of substance” in flight. In terms of the topic of renewable energies, Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz, said:

The Deutsche Bahn receives from the Federal government five billion euros in additional capital. The procurement of low-emission heavy-duty vehicles is promoted, as well as the tools of modern flight. The CO2 building renovation programme will be increased for 2020 and 2021 to a billion euros.

Other funding programs related to the digitization and Artificial intelligence , as well as the development of quantum technologies, the development of 5G and later 6G-communication networks and the promotion of research in different areas.

health: The public health service should be strengthened, including through improved staffing in health departments. Three billion euros are intended for a “programme for the future of hospitals”, for example, for modern emergency capacity and the digital infrastructure. More money is also available for the development of a Corona vaccine and the stockpiling of protective equipment.

PF with AFP/dpa

section list image:©dpa / Michael Sohn