informed How the Federal environment Agency and the environment Ministry on Tuesday, has been exceeded the EU limit value for the year 2019, only in 25 cities. Thus, the number more than halved, 2018 there were 57 cities. The Trend was already clear, the final evaluation of the data from the countries. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is the reason for Diesel-driving bans in several cities. First, the Funke media group had reported about it. Was exceeded the limit value, therefore, only in streets with a lot of traffic in large Metropolitan areas and cities. Top ride – end of may – Munich, Darmstadt, Stuttgart, Germany, Limburg an der Lahn and Frankfurt am Main. But even there, the values decreased.

“The solution lies in cleaner vehicles,”

The annual average exposure to NO2 must not exceed 40 micrograms per cubic metre of air should not exceed. He has been in place since 2010. Environment Minister Svenja Schulze (SPD) welcomed the data: “it shows That environmental policy acts,” she said. However, the previous measures were not sufficient, the limit really is everywhere to be observed. “The solution lies in cleaner vehicles and a fundamental change in Mobility.” Schulze under suggested, however, that regardless of the discussions on “transport, the nitrogen oxide values-turn,” as well as the fine dust values already since years in the cities of continuously going back, completely independently, by the way of Diesel-driving bans. The amount of air pollutants in Germany (in the example, nitrogen dioxide) Federal environment Agency has decreased significantly in recent years. But the limits are still exceeded

Many of the cars had Software Updates

As the reason for the improvement in the Federal environment Agency specifies the speed limits, driving bans, or the use of cleaner buses, but also software updates for diesel cars, and the renewal of the vehicle fleet. Also the weather affecting pollutants, the spread of air. The by Software-Updates, clean-made older Diesel especially German vehicles are likely to be involved in the improvement, because in addition to the mandatory back-it was in the case of VW, Daimler and BMW also volunteers optimization call at VW and Daimler measures – most of the foreign manufacturers refused to allow such Updates.The effectiveness of driving experts, have banned meanwhile, serious doubts . Exhaust expert, Professor Thomas Koch from the Karlsruhe Institute of technology, stresses that the ban of Euro-4 and the access permission of via Software Update, revised Euro 5 fleet of diesel vehicles, the NO2 contribution to today’s Diesel, a total of only about 15 micro-grams per cubic meter at the Neckartor in Stuttgart is. “On average, the NO2-emissions with less traffic are also slightly lower. Only the improvement is so low that other influences – days-speed, weather impact, background post – dominate,” said Koch. According to his view, the contribution of car-exhaust gases to the total pollutant-entry is now so low that many of the interpretations of the measurement results would be more of a “crystal-ball gazing” the same.

Corona-crisis: Less traffic – but for how long?

The Corona-crisis, the German Federal environment Agency according to the values for 2020: In some places, the NO2 is gone-load by up to 40 percent more back. This was also due to declining emissions from industry, in addition to the traffic. Problematic in the further treatment of the topic is likely to be that the virus crisis is public transport, which is currently extremely unattractive. Its increased use is just a crucial concept in many cities to improve air quality and reduce congestion. By accident, the measures shown in the Lockdown, but also an elegant solution to the problem. The number of commuters has significantly decreased, show data of the German Institute for economic research (DIW). For where it went, worked the people in the Home Office. Should it succeed, this Trend is to continue, it would reduce commuting traffic in the cities, perhaps permanently. ECB: First Inflation, then a new monetary order is coming – what the saver is in FOCUS ECB: First Inflation, then a new monetary order – and what

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