the interest of the Germans for a new car is growing again – in spite of the Corona-crisis. And yet the claims keep to the buying incentives, according to. Stock of a really old discussion.

Berlin (Reuters) – without new incentives to buy the in the Corona-crisis strong back fades to a survey, according to the attitude of the Germans, a new car purchase.

Nevertheless, the discussion of the so-called car-go premium, Buying more shortly before the Tuesday’s planned discussions on a new stimulus package of the Federal government.

Markus Söder, Minister-President of car land of Bavaria, confirmed in the “world on Sunday” its call for purchase incentives for new vehicles: “We take old cars from the market and replace it with clean vehicles of the latest Generation.”

The demand for a purchase premium as a pillar of the Economy in the Corona-crisis, comes especially from the car manufacturers and the Car länder of lower Saxony, Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria. Environmental groups reject purchase premiums. Particularly controversial is whether Diesel and gasoline should be promoted. For electric and Hybrid Cars are already buying premium.

Supported modern cars that produce less CO2 should be according to Söder with the – from Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg and lower Saxony – proposed “innovation premium”. “In addition, we could promote a charging infrastructure for electro-mobility by the state will assume 50 percent of the cost for private charging points,” said Söder.

critics of the required premium doubt, among other things, the effectiveness. The President of the engineering Association VDMA, Carl Martin Welcker, warned in the “Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper”: “purchase premiums for cars and comparable subsidies act selectively discriminate against other products, and generate deadweight loss.” More useful are other measures, such as promotion of research and development, as well as tax relief, to stimulate demand.

on Saturday more were votes against, according to, also from the Union: If the car premium come, be you “is a Prime example of how a Lobby in Germany now”, said the head of the “Mittelstand” and economic Union of the CDU and the CSU, Carsten Linnemann, the “world”. Also, Union leader Ralph Brinkhaus turned against the pressure of companies, trade unions and the Prime Minister was very large, he said.

The economist Frank Riemensperger made on Sunday to have negative consequences for the digitisation of attention. “Compared to other countries, we are back in the digital infrastructure, five to ten years,” said the German head of the consulting firm Accenture, the German press Agency. Riemensperger sees the policy in the responsibility: “it is a question of industrial and economic policy. It subsidized the purchase of cars or to subsidize the digitization of 10,000 companies in Germany.”

Just the auto industry, deliver an example for the deficits: “As you can see, what does it mean when you have slept through the digitization part.” The industry got hit particularly because of the dependence on the direct customer contact. “Cars are in this country sold one of the houses.” Riemensperger not opposed to assistance for the auto industry: “But I think it would be smart to give all the money to get there.”

industry Association, the BDI, the car manufacturer. BDI-President Dieter Kempf called for in the “world on Sunday” such a premium, both for E-cars as well as vehicles with an internal combustion engine. In the promotion, it should go in the core investments, and climate protection. “Therefore, it makes sense to promote these vehicles with modern and efficient internal combustion engines, if existing incentives for electric mobility will not be watered down.”

a survey by the consulting firm McKinsey shows that the German interest in a new car increases, even without a premium, slow: Accordingly, the 79 keep track of 100 people who wanted to buy the Covid-19 pandemic, a new car, currently still the Plan. Were between the age of 9. and the 17. In may, more than 1000 citizens were interviewed. At the beginning of April only 58 percent of the buyers had followed your Plan to purchase a new car more, in mid-April, it was 68 percent.

The manufacturers themselves are available with purchase incentives another survey that is currently reserved. To the regular discount a study by the Center Automotive Research at the University of Duisburg-Essen for the month of may. Directly in front of the Berlin high-level dialogue to a large stimulus program, the manufacturers remained cautious, describing the study leader Ferdinand Dudenhöffer of the situation. Audi has done it, the group’s parent company VW is equal to and even in the short term, the prices increased.

The discounts for new cars decreased in the period of one year on a broad Front, says the study. This applies to both the discounts at Internet retailers that openly advertised promotions or the registration of cars on their own account, to market to you later with price reductions. “Customers bargain in the Corona-crisis is wrong”, concluded Dudenhöffer. For car buyers on the way to the dealer is worth currently hardly. “The Motto is Wait and see.”