Before long, you will need to show id, if you will oddse or the like in a kiosk or a supermarket.
the Danish Game plan-namely, to introduce the claims of the more than 3,000 dealers in the country. But it is not an ordinary id, players must be able to present.
There is talk about a so-called card decks, which come in both physical and electronic, says in a press release.
The it-system around the card are not yet fully in place, but with the Danish Game is expected to be finished within the next few months.
Thus, it also means that spilkortet is ready to be put into use in 2020.
When the Danish Game chooses to impose such a requirement on the id, is it in part to record all the games, but also to ensure that the games are not sold to minors or being exploited by criminals.
It explains Susanne Mørch Koch, who is managing director of the Danish Games:
‘Danish Game Denmark gaming company, and we will not tolerate that there can be uncertainty as to whether our offer to the danes about cozy and fun bets come in the hands of our children and young people or be misused to wash illicit money white,’ says the press release.
She stresses that spilvirksomheden already carry out checks on the area, but that spilkortet is yet another step in the direction to ensure sound game.
A step that is probably going to be seen on the bottom line. In the bad way. How large the loss is concrete is, however, not possible to predict.
“It may be expected that a part of the spontaneous play will fall away, and that it will cost us a significant three digit million amount in our revenue, at least in the short term. The impairment, we must take, simply because we do not want to accept the alternative,” says Susanne Mørch Koch.
As the only game will Lotto not be subject to the new requirements on id, reads it. This, because the game as not being associated with gambling addiction or money laundering.