Fnatramte citizens in the Capital Region calling continue in droves to akuttelefonen 1813 – but the message is now that there are more medications to treat the itching sick.

It says senior physician at the akutberedskabet 1813, specialist in general medicine, Asmus Thun Bisgaard for TV 2 Lorry.

He has been in contact with several pharmacies in the metropolitan area, which, in their central repository can see that håndkøbsmedcin against scabies – Nix and Permethrin – are sold out.

– It seems that it might first come back 30. december. It is a little critical. Many callers, but we can not treat it. If we do not get treated with scabies, then increases in extent. And it only gets worse over christmas because there are so many holidays, says Asmus Thun Bisgaard.

TV 2 Lorry could, some weeks ago, to tell, to Akuttelefonen 1813 receives about hundred calls a month from people who are worried about their itching is due to the small fnatmide.

The many inquiries have been going on for about a year, ago a number of secondary schools were affected by the fnatepidemi in december last year.

There are no official figures on how many persons who are infected with scabies. Several hospitals across the country overrendes with fnatsmittede, said among other things in the last week from the Danish newspaper Politiken.

Also the sales of the cream, as the patients are treated with, testify that more and more affected by scabies.

While there is in 2012 was sold about 44,000 packages fnatmedicin was there in 2018 sold 67.000 packages.

chief Physician at Capital Region Akutberedskab 1813, Asmus Thun Bisgaard, says to TV 2 Lorry, to a new remedy for scabies – Stromectol in tablet form – may be obtained from the general practitioners.

But he has received reports that this medication is also in backorder. In addition, the application around a few weeks to get approved by the Danish medicines agency.

– When the citizens are calling Akuttelefonen 1813, so we try to help, what we can, but we can only treat the symptoms such as itching, and refer to the assessment of the treatment, if there’s a bacterial infection on top. We have the opportunity to see photos of the rash, but we encourage you to go to the private doctor with the issue, says Asmus Thun Bisgaard.

TV 2 Lorry has tried in vain to get in touch with Apotekerforeningen and the Danish medicines agency.