In many african countries, the time is the reduction of control measures against the Covid-19 to resume certain economic and social activities. This is quite normal while the african continent has only 3 % of cases of contamination Covid-19 identified in the world. But the speed at which the number of confirmed cases has doubled in the past 20 days shows the acceleration of the spread of the virus, has warned, on Thursday, June 11, the world health Organization (WHO).

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The cap of 200 000 cases crossed

“It has taken 98 days to reach the milestone of 100 000 cases and 18 only to cross the 200 000,” said Dr Matshidiso Moeti, WHO regional director for Africa, during a press conference by video, at WHO headquarters in Geneva. “Even if these registered cases in Africa account for less than 3 % of the global total, it is clear that the pandemic is accelerating” on the continent, she said. According to her, ” early action and early african countries has helped to keep the numbers to a low level, but constant vigilance is necessary to prevent the Covid-19 from overwhelming the health facilities “, she said.

To this day, Africa has 210 519 contamination by the new coronavirus, of which 5 635 deaths. In the world, the new coronavirus has infected nearly 7.4 million people and killed at least 416 000 since the onset of the epidemic in China in December.

In Africa, ” the pandemic continues to be concentrated in and around capital cities, but we are seeing more and more cases in the province “, said Dr. Moeti, who estimates that the virus has entered in most of the countries of the continent by the capitals, via international flights. “Ten of the 54 countries of Africa” identify 80 % of cases, and in South Africa alone, 25 % of them, she also stressed. More than 70 % of deaths are registered in only five countries : South Africa, Algeria, Nigeria, Egypt and Sudan.

it is possible that some cases asymptomatic or mild pass under the radar, the WHO Africa do not think that a significant number of serious cases or deaths are not recorded in Africa, according to Dr. Moeti.

Read also Coronavirus : the situation “worsens” in the world, according to WHO

The need to remain vigilant

The relative youth of the african population compared to those of other continents, and the experience gained in the management of other epidemics have been cited among the reasons explaining the rate of death in Africa, lower than that of other continents. The early measures in some countries in Africa have helped to keep balances low, but constant vigilance is still required, according to Dr. Moeti.

“Before we had access to an effective vaccine, I am afraid that we did not have to live with a constant increase in the region, with homes to manage, in many countries, as is currently the case in South Africa, Algeria, and Cameroon, which require very strong measures of public health,” she continued. “We sincerely hope not to see health systems overwhelmed “, she concluded.

also Read “If the virus is not defeated in Africa, the whole world will be in danger”

writing will advise you

Covid-19 : the youth, an asset for Africa Coronavirus : the situation “worsens” in the world, according to the WHO ” If the virus is not defeated in Africa, the whole world will be in danger ” Covid-19 and malaria, the double penalty for the african continent Covid-19 : Africa, you said mystery ?