The government wants to put an end to the 10 July to the state health emergency put in place at the end of march to combat the epidemic of coronavirus, said the prime minister’s office on the evening of Tuesday, June 9, focusing on ” the development at this stage of the positive health situation “. “Even so, this output of the state of public health emergency must be organized carefully and gradually “, and the government will therefore present Wednesday to the Council of ministers a draft law that will, for four months, to regulate the access to transport, limit or prohibit some rallies and close some facilities open to the public.

” These provisions do not authorize, however, not the return to the containment strict “, such as the one put in place from 17 march to curb the epidemic, at the cost of a sudden stop of the economy, have clarified the services of the Prime minister Edouard Philippe. The state of a health emergency, in force since march 24, had been extended, after two months, until 10 July. It ” must remain an exception regime “, stressed the prime minister. The government thus does not wish to extend it a second time.

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A part of the tools of the state of emergency still available for four month

The text presented on Wednesday, “leaves at the disposal of the Prime minister a part of his tools, for a period of four months from the 10 July if ever the epidemic, today considered to be “under control” by the scientific Council, knew of a rebound. These tools include “the ability to regulate access to the means of transport and the conditions of their use (the obligation of door, the mask), the ability to” order the temporary closure and regulate the opening of one or more classes of establishments open to the public, “or the ability” to limit or prohibit rallies on the public highway as well as meetings of any kind “.

The output of the state health emergency “would be as well organized in a progressive way, under the control of the Parliament, who would be informed, in the same conditions as during the health emergency, measures taken by the Government,” says Matignon. If a worsening general or local of the situation would justify more restrictive measures of freedom, then the government should revert to the state of a health emergency, which could be delivered in force, in all or part of the territory, by a decree in Council of ministers.

Read also State health emergency : snub for the department of Justice

The number of severe cases of Covid-19 requiring hospitalization in the icu fell Tuesday to below 1 000, with 955 patients, compared to more than 7,000 at its peak in early April, according to the latest balance sheet reported on Tuesday. France has recorded 87 deaths additional related to the Covid-19, 53 of them in hospitals, bringing to 29 296 the total number of deaths since the beginning of the epidemic.

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” The State acted as a supervisor of court school “