They are doctors, inmates, elected officials, or candidates in municipal elections. All denounce the management by the executive of the crisis of the sars coronavirus and feel they have personally been victims, to the point turn now to justice. On 12 may, the general prosecutor François Molins announced ” 63 complaints filed with the Court of justice of the Republic “, the only body empowered to judge the acts committed by members of the government in their functions.

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This Sunday, the JDD we learned that new complaints have been filed, 71 in total, and that the pace does not suffer. All, or almost all, aim Édouard Philippe, criminally responsible for the acts of the government, the president being irresponsible during his term of office, and are also directed against individual ministers, Agnès Buzyn and Olivier Véran in the lead, followed by Nicole Belloubet, and, to a lesser extent, Christophe Castaner and Muriel Pénicaud.

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declarations Buzyn led the way

If Hervé Banbanaste, which represents a candidate in the municipal contaminated, concedes that “a lot of the complaints are not credible” and written by individuals with inevitable inaccuracies legal, others are written by lawyers in the case spread out sometimes over several tens of pages. But all of this will be grouped, according to Me Fabrice Di Vizio, which represents three doctors of the collective C19, in order to “hang up the complaints of citizens on the wagon” of lawyers.

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most of The complaints are based, according to the JDD, the article 223-7 of the penal Code, according to which ” if a person fails voluntarily to take or cause measures to allow, without risk for himself or for a third party, to combat a disaster likely to create a hazard to the safety of persons is punished by two years imprisonment and 30,000 euros fine “.

The statements of Agnès Buzyn in The World on the 17th of march last, have, for many, opened the door. In explaining the daily life of the evening, having warned as early as January its government of the risks posed by the coronavirus, the ex-minister of Health has tended to prove that the lack of measures for the fight against the epidemic was deliberate, a conscious decision and deliberate. Thus, the doctors represented by mr. Di Vizio seek to know ” if they have been cannon fodder “, ” sent to battle without protection “, while a group of candidates and activists in LR infected after the first round of the municipal, maintained at all costs, it takes the ministry of the Interior.

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The important thing is, according to the lawyer, to make things clear. “Mrs. Buzyn has an exemption from penalty or a three-month suspended sentence, this is not what is important,” he says in the JDD. A man who does not know its history is liable to repeat it. “

In Nîmes, Me and Khadija Aoudia has filed a complaint at the end of march in the name of a fifty prisoners and remains optimistic about the future investigation of this complaint. “Even if it would seem that the rule is the classification without continuation, in our case, there are such shortcomings that it would be surprising not to open a judicial information. “


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