However, not because of their interest all of a sudden. But because the inflation rate in the Wake of the Corona-crisis dropped drastically. In April, shortly after the beginning of the lock downs, Inflation slowed for the first time since November of 2016, under the brand of 1 percent. Most recently, she was even only 0.6 percent. Saving is always smart!
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The: of The value of your assets on Savings accounts will multiply, at least, if you have chosen the right Bank.
Here you can find the best listings for money market accounts: With FOCUS Online money indicator) compare (a daily allowance comparison in 2020: Here are the Top rates back up
The best days of funds from the same, the current inflation is already around. With the Top-Offered in 1 – and 2-year fixed money is currently even, a positive real rate of return possible. The best interest rates in the overall market, offers the private Banca from Slovakia: 1.3 percent the interest rate is more than twice as high as the current inflation rate. How do I put 20,000 euros? Our PDF guide shows you how to create your capital, despite mini-interest in a profitable way and an expensive Fall deal.To the PDF guide
The BMW is still a German Top-of-the-party when money. No wonder: The battered auto industry can refinance with the deposits in Parts of its lending business. This is for the car banks are sometimes cheaper than to obtain capital market funds.
Overview of the best interest rates in the EU
In the Following you see an Overview of the best deals in the EU (23. June 2020). Your deposits are always up to 100,000 euros per Bank and the client protected by the Deposit guarantee system of the respective member state. In addition, the experts of Verivox have compiled an Overview of the suppliers from countries with very good credit rating with the major Rating agencies (Top Rating) and list the best deals from Germany. Deposit protection: how safe is your money in banks abroad in the EU
Bank deposits – so money on the day money, fixed and current accounts and savings deposits and savings bonds are protected within the EU, up to an amount of EUR 100,000 per customer and the Bank by law. However, each country has its own backup systems in the event of a Bank failure. Here, the following applies: is the worse the credit rating of a state, the higher the probability that these systems are not functioning. In Germany there are in addition to the statutory Deposit insurance in addition to voluntary backup systems. You should ensure that customers receive a Bank failure, higher amounts or even your full money back. A systemic crisis should cover the entire banking sector, is likely to meet the Deposit protection in each EU country to their limits.
It is notable that Italian banks had to keep the last back with good interest rates, meanwhile, are again on the rise. The Banca Project was able to secure two categories.
The best days of money-offers
Best interest rates in the overall market:
- Bigbank (Estonia): 0.5%
Best interest rates from countries with a Top Rating:
- Banco do Brasil, Austria (Austria): 0.46 percent
- LeasePlan Bank (the Netherlands): 0.45 per cent
- Eastwest Directly (Luxembourg): 0.40 percent
Best interest rates with the German Deposit guarantee:
- Bankhaus August Lenz (Munich): 0.26 percent (no deposits to and withdrawals from partial amounts is possible, only the total investment amount and
- PSA direct Bank (Neu-Isenburg), will be paid): 0.25%
- Cosmo directly (Saarbrücken): 0.21% (applies to deposits up to 25,000 Euro, balance in addition, non-interest bearing)
action interest rates for new customers:
- Renault Bank directly (France, Top-credit): 0.55% action interest for 6 months (thereafter, variable interest rate, the current nominal interest rate: 0.25 per cent)
- Advanzia Bank (Luxembourg, Top-credit): 0.50 per cent interest rate action for 6 months (thereafter, variable interest rate, the current nominal interest rate: 0.25 per cent)
The best money-offers
Here you can make money now all the deals for money, the best compare With FOCUS money Online provider find (display) To the current fixed comparison!
money in 24 months or less,
Best interest rates in the overall market:
- private Banca (Slovakia): 1.30%
- Illimity Bank (Italy): 1.25 per cent
Best interest rates from countries with a Top Rating:
- Klarna (Sweden): 1.00%
Best interest rates with the German Deposit guarantee
- BMW Bank (Munich, Germany): 1.00%
- Grenke Bank (Baden-Baden): 0.86 percent
fixed-term for 12 months
Best interest rates in the overall market:
- Banca Progetto (Italy): 1.05%
- Haitong Bank (Portugal): 1.01%
- blue orange Bank (Latvia): 1.01%
Best interest rates from countries with a Top Rating:
- Klarna (Sweden): 0.86 percent
- CKV Bank (Belgium): 0.75%
Best interest rates with the German Deposit guarantee:
- BMW Bank (Munich, Germany): 0.75 percent
- KT Bank (Frankfurt am Main): 0.75 percent
- SWK Bank (Bingen am Rhein): 0.66 per cent
- Eurocity Bank (Frankfurt am Main): 0.65 per cent
fixed term for 6 months
Best interest rates in the overall market:
- FIMBank (Malta): 0.70 per cent
- Banca Progetto (Italy): 0.70 per cent
Best interest rates from countries with a Top Rating:
- BMW Bank (Munich, Germany): 0.65 per cent
- Addiko Bank (Austria): 0.60 percent
rise to the Best interest of the German Deposit protection
- BMW Bank (Munich, Germany): 0.65 percent
- SWK Bank (Bingen am Rhein): 0,55 percent
note: Inflation could quickly
the main reason for the sagging of the inflation rate of the Price drop in heating oil and fuels. Without taking into account the energy prices, the Inflation would be, according to the Federal statistical office is currently significantly higher at 1.6 per cent. This is also the reason for this is that the current Phase may well not be permanent. Because if energy prices recover, it could quickly attract the inflation rate. Everything about the development of the Corona-crisis
News about the Corona virus in the Live-Ticker
EU plans to ban entry to the USA – the number of active cases in Germany is growing stronger
The experts of Verivox admonish, therefore, for caution and recommend at least for long-term savings plans other Investments. “For yields significantly above the current inflation, long-term investors should think about Alternatives to the stock market,” Verivox-managing Director Oliver Maier to FOCUS Online. “Who is investing in a broad Index such as the MSCI World and its shares for at least 15 years has held, was never negative and had on average one year return of about seven percent.”
read more on the topic of finances:
- the equivalent of 3.3 billion euros, Manfred Schmider from gambled in the 1990s by banks, Wirecard, the largest fraud case in Germany. He sold his company Flowtex machines that never existed. More you can read here.
- Within a week, Wirecard, the German Shooting Star has slipped in the Bankruptcy. While there has long been suspicion that the Munich-based group is cheating. Auditors and prosecutors closed, however, your eyes. The victims of many small investors, the big winners are hedge funds. More you can read here.
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