The city clears the way for the necessary containers and the nursery, rainbow on the station road. At the same time creates the conditions to expand the children’s day-care facility also structurally. The amended version of the development plan was praised by the building Committee, which met for the first time, across the Bank.
Schongau – Almost in the same occupation as the building Committee of the old legislature, the new Committee began its work: With Ilona Evil (SPD), Bettina Buresch (Green), Nina Konstantin (AS), Kornelia Funke (CSU), and Stephan Hild (UWV) are represented by all five group leaders. In addition, Peter Bommer Bach and Thomas Schleich (both CSU) and Martin Schwarz (SPD) sit on the panel. An unusual kick-off it was, because the Vice-mayor, Daniela Puzzovio initiated their first meeting in representation of the mayor of Falk’s Siuyterman, who took over only to point six on the fly. He had been at the mayor’s service meeting, in because home.
Puzzovio was able to make a large Schongauer the topic of the word to a city architect, Sebastian Dietrich: The Amendment to the development plan for the area between the rail mount and the Lech mountain. When the local Kindergarten as we know, the Container should be placed to the spatial bottleneck is created because of the in the autumn of 2019-appointed interim group fix.
The amended development Plan will be designed to be open to the public. When the Container can be placed, is still unclear. Because of this, you must first have the approval. The old Council had been given the show in its penultimate session in the direction of the draft budget of the decisive Finger, that at this point is not saved should be. Treasurer Werner Hefele had made the Container for this year to the discussion, because he is in Distress, an approvable budget. All of the not-yet-started projects because of the expected oblique position of the household expected to be on hold for the moment.
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The temporary solution for the enlargement of the kindergarten with the containers to the East of the building be realised, a long-term extension could arise in the West. “This extension could be implemented, if the need is permanent,” says Dietrich. With the introduction of the transitional groups had been made clear that these are time-limited to two years. Kornelia Funke had stressed this a year ago, also: “this can be An emergency solution not a permanent solution,” she said at the time. The more positive the councillor assessed the planning step for both solutions, the interim group, and for a permanent extension. “I think it’s a positive Signal.”
142 children are enrolled for the new school year 2020/2021, all get a place (we reported). The second Notgruppe, which is preserved in the branch of the kindergarten air balloon.
A place for all kindergarten children