The “Canard enchaîné”, dated Wednesday, announced that Renault is planning to close four production sites in France in order to reduce costs. One of the production sites affected would be in Flins, in the Yvelines. On Friday, the Economy minister Bruno Le Maire said that the Renault group had not proposed his grand plan to save 2 billion euros. “We now expect the overall proposals for the president Jean-Dominique Senard on his plan for the alliance (Renault-Nissan) and his plan for Renault,” said the minister on Europe 1.

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The minister is still displayed against the closure of the site of Renault in Paris. “Flins should not close, he said We are now waiting for the overall proposals for the president Jean-Dominique Senard on his plan for the alliance (Renault-Nissan) and his plan for Renault,” added the minister.

“there will be bankruptcies”

the minister of The Economy was also of the opinion that the economic crisis caused by the pandemic coronavirus will lead to “bankruptcy” and “layoffs” in France “in the coming months “”there will be bankruptcies and there will be layoffs in the coming months,” warned Bruno Le Maire, on Europe 1, while the government intends to reduce gradually from June the support device to the part-time unemployment, which had been avoided up to this wave of layoffs.

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“a Lot of areas are very badly affected” by the crisis, and “even if the economy restarts, it does not restart at the same rate” as before, the minister said. In this context, the government plans to reduce support for part-time unemployment “so as to encourage the return of the activity as it is what we will ultimately create jobs and create prosperity,” said Bruno Le Maire. “We must encourage the resumption of activity, this is not a normal situation to have the State that supports 100 % of salaries “, he stressed.

12.7 million requests for authorization of partial unemployment

According to estimates by the ministry of Labour, the accumulation of requests for authorization of partial unemployment reached 12.7 million since the 1st of march, while 8.6 million employees would have benefited from the device that has allowed to avoid an explosion of unemployment in France, whose economy has been hit hard by the sars coronavirus.

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A déremboursement of partial unemployment will lead to layoffs, had warned Wednesday, François Asselin, president of the Confederation of small and medium-sized companies (CPME), which requires the State to wait until September before any reduction in “sensitive” of its support. The Medef is also opposed to this reduction of support.

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