Nicolas Sarkozy to counter-attack. The former president of the Republic has reacted to the revelations of the Point in the case say of the speakers. “In reaction to the revelations of the Point, I expresses only one request : respect for the rule of law,” he said on Twitter, then it must be judged in this matter by the end of the year. “As a result, the whole truth must be established about the circumstances that led to the incredible accumulation of failings and shortcomings,” added Nicolas Sarkozy, who rarely speaks on the social networks, and has signed the tweet with his initials NS.

According to our information, the PNF has inquired in vain, between 2014 and 2019 and, in particular, through the investigations on the sly on the tenors of the bar of Paris, to identify the “mole”, if any, would have informed French president Nicolas Sarkozy and his lawyer Thierry Herzog of the existence of the wiretaps targeted. The existence of that investigation, parallel to investigations in the so-called case of “eavesdropping” was known and denounced for long by the defense of the former president and his council, but not its content or extent of monitoring of all these lawyers.

Read also EXCLUSIVE. Case “Paul Bismuth” : the investigation of hidden

Me Dupond-Moretti is going to file a complaint

The phone bills in detail (” fadettes “) of many of the tenors of the bar and their collaborators have been peeled, as well as that of a magistrate or of the fixed lines of the PNF. Some lawyers have even been pinpointed. These revelations have ulcerated Thursday the lawyers involved. Me Dupond-Moretti has announced on LCI a “complaint” against these ” methods of secret agents “. The trial of Nicolas Sarkozy for corruption in the so-called case of ” eavesdropping “, which was originally to take place in October, will take place as a result, from 23 November to 10 December.

also Read Eric Ciotti : “We are facing a Watergate French”

In this case, the former head of State is suspected of having tried to get in the beginning of 2014, through Thierry Herzog, secret information from the former senior judge of the Court of cassation, Gilbert Azibert, in a procedure in the margin of the Bettencourt affair, in exchange for a boost to a position at Monaco.

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