, The airport company Berlin-Brandenburg, which is responsible for, among other things, the new capital city airport BER, presents an unusually short business report. From the policy critique.

Schönefeld/Potsdam (dpa) – The Berlin-Brandenburg airport company (FBB) reaps criticism for its comparatively short business report for the year 2019. The Left wing in the Brandenburg state Parliament accused the companies lack of transparency in financial issues.

“The months-long vacancy of the office of the chief Financial officer said the FBB may not serve as a Fig leaf for a reduced business report”, the Deputy Marlen Block, a member of the BER of the special Committee. Also the business plan and the expected Corona-the help there is a lack of transparency.

The Supervisory Board had approved in mid-may, the annual financial statements for 2019. In Parallel, the company released the annual report. The previous edition 148 pages, had it now 40. There is no management report in, for example, with statements to the economic risks and remuneration of the Board of management. Since the departure of Heike Fölster, in February, there is no chief financial officer. In September, the Post is filled with Aletta mass Bach again.

Amazed by the Augsburg Professor of business leadership, Erik Lehmann showed. “This is very strange, and striking,” he said. Especially in the case of state-owned enterprises comprehensive reports were necessary in order for parliaments and taxpayers could take a picture. Shareholders are the States of Berlin and Brandenburg, each with 37 percent, and the Federal government, with 26 percent.

The company said: “The FBB has reduced the annual report 2019 on the essential information, the fiscal year of 2019 can describe.” He should not be with the annual financial statements according to the commercial code to be confused, to be published in the Federal Gazette. This will appear by the end of the year.

The airport company had completed in 2019 as the previous years with a multi-million dollar loss. Airport CEO Engelbert Lütke Daldrup attributed this to the duration of the construction site of the new capital city airport BER.