There is a threat of a strike at the Austrian Lufthansa subsidiary AUA at the beginning of Easter. The on-board staff will stop work from Maundy Thursday to Good Friday lunchtime unless an agreement is reached at the last minute, a representative of the Vida union told the APA news agency.

In the event of strikes, 430 flights would be canceled, affecting 52,000 passengers, according to the airline. “Escalation measures by the works council and the union do not contribute to finding a solution,” said an AUA spokeswoman. One day of strike means financial damage of around ten million euros.

The airline has offered a salary increase of up to 18 percent for flight attendants and pilots, it said. According to the union, the present offer only covers inflation. In principle, employees see a need to catch up when it comes to aligning AUA salaries with those in the rest of the Lufthansa Group.