The contract of Herbert Diess is still running, but only with emergency generator. Two years after his inauguration as Chairman of the Executive Board have conspired all against him. Herbert Diess, failed not on his strategy, which relies on digitization and electrification of the fleet, but in Tempo, tonality and Temperament.

in the run-up to yesterday’s Supervisory Board meeting, the IG-metal, represented by its First Chairman Jörg Hofmann and the VW group works Council chief Bernd Osterloh claimed that his detachment. The Person

Gabor Steingart is one of the most famous journalists in the country. He is editor of the Newsletter “Steingarts Morning Briefing”. The eponymous Podcast is Germany’s leading Daily Podcast for politics and the economy. In the spring of 2020 Steingart moves in with his editorial on the editorial ship “Pioneer One”. Prior to founding Media Pioneer was Steingart Chairman of the Board of management of the Handelsblatt Media Group.

Be free Morning Briefing, you can find here:

The powerful workers ‘ representatives, which can, indirectly, also the Land of lower Saxony, the SPD Prime Minister, under pressure, have completed the Chapter Diess.

these are the sober facts of a dramatic day at VW in Wolfsburg:

  • This must give the leadership of the core Volkswagen brand.
  • His successor is the former Co-managing Director Ralf Brandstätter.
  • in the Future, take care of This primary to the management of the whole Volkswagen group. Volkswagen Vz. 145,34 EUR -3,16 (-2,13%) Xetra
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    course data

The pressure on Diess had increased in the past few weeks. It was persistent difficulties in the production of the Golf 8, and the new E-car ID.3. Steingart/media pioneer

came to Add to the Improbability of a racist Golf-promotional videos on the Internet. Diess had to answer to. But he can’t prevent. Pure coffee enjoyment

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Because of this error, This fell the Mighty in the doghouse

Also in the personal dealing with the powers of the Republic and of the group, Herbert has made This mistake:

  • not to speak of The Chancellor, for example, is good on him. His repeated call for a scrappage scheme 2.0, you took offence. She felt the attempt to put pressure on your decision to exercise. And that’s exactly how you communicated it, Herbert Diess also.
  • SPD-Prime Minister Stephan Weil would have liked to see the VW boss in the political arena also diplomatic. In the state Chancellery of Hanover is of the opinion that This has messed up the scrappage scheme, with its research approach.

Also, in the case of VW, the uncomfortable Diess has become unpopular

The management team has Diess not behind: VW-shopping-in-chief Stefan Sommer will leave now unnerved the company. Herbert Diess was in his previous life, also shopping-in-chief, and BMW. Tensions between the two experts were programmed. Steingart/media pioneer

Interim chief financial officer, Frank Witter, and Diess is not the chemistry also. The man is in Wolfsburg as VW veteran and will leave in the coming year, the group. Commissioner, he should take over until then, the shops of a shopping Board of Directors summer.

The radio frequency between Diess and his successor Brandstätter is also more of a loose contact. Brandstätter was the second man behind This for the brand VW. You are looking for an in-depth analysis of the Volkswagen shares? Download the exclusive content of the equity report+ of Finanzen100 in a Report down. Concentrated the power of Analytics for your Trading decisions in Volkswagen shares.

VW does not like Revolutionary

Also in the case of the second and third management level has made Herbert Diess, through his stormy temper, and his high Tempo unpopular. As he called for a meeting of Executives nothing Less than a Revolution in the traditional group, felt that many managers snubbed. Diess said at the time:

  • “If this company is not an industrial monument, then you need to clear the monuments of everyday life aside.”
  • “The storm is only now.”

We have shown, Herbert Diess, at the time, in the Morning Briefing as the Che Guevara of Wolfsburg and his courage to overthrow praised. But Wolfsburg don’t like Revolutionaries. Also the real Che fell to his revolutionary urge to sacrifice, and died on the 9. October 1967, in a hail of bullets.

Steingart/media pioneer

it wasn’t so bad the same will happen to Diess. The ball for the Chairman of the Board is called severance. It does not end the pain of a loss of power and separation, but it relieves him.

New BMW Director Oliver Zipse speaks to staff reductions and stimulus package

The operations in Wolfsburg, the curiosity will increase to the new guy at BMW. Last Friday, the unrest of the competitors, the consequence was not known, nor was a BMW Director Oliver Zipse guest aboard the Pioneer One. My colleague, Gordon Repinski he explains what he thinks of the Corona-stimulus package, why is it the market price of Tesla irritated, and how he wants to steer his company through the economic crisis.

Steingart/media pioneer BMW-Boss Oliver Zipse on Board the Pioneer One

says the speculation about staff cuts Zipse:

“by 2021, we need an Adjustment of more than 6000 employees, we reduce the but not the rate of employee turnover or voluntary schemes. We talk in any way of terminations, in any way.“ BMW 58,80 EUR -1,88 (-3,10%) Xetra

  • 1 day
  • 6 months

was able to assert To the course data

the auto industry is no combustion premium in the economy program, was a shame, but manageable:

“We had, of course, desired that an explicit promotion of advanced combustion engines are taken into account. But it is now not a Disaster for us.“

“Want to have electrified by the end of 2021, a quarter of our vehicles,”

Zipse does not believe that the hole that has ripped the Corona-crisis in the economy, let alone with billions pour out. On entrepreneurial skill it is:

“Alone, a stimulus package will never solve these problems. In this respect, it is our business responsibility, enthusiasm, a very good and compelling products come out of this Situation again to get out.“

In the product range of BMW E-cars in the coming years, its place: “We want to have electrified by the end of 2021, a quarter of our vehicles, 2023 until 2025 about one-third and by 2030, half of our entire fleet.”

conclusion: Here is a man who combines self-awareness in the case with modesty in appearance. The increases, at least his chance of Survival in a automotive industry, are troubled times.

Everything about the development of the Corona-crisis

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