The minister of Health, Olivier Véran, announced Monday, June 29, 2020 in the trade unions an envelope of 300 million euros to upgrade the salaries of hospital doctors, a-t-on learned from several sources who have deemed this sum insufficient. This envelope, which was announced in the framework of the “Ségur health” launched at the end of may, is well below the $ 7 billion claimed by the trade unions, whose officer spoke of ” a disillusionment huge “, another describing the amount of” ineligible “, and a third considering it ” no “in the eyes of the” 100,000 doctors, pharmacists, odontologistes ” concerned.

These 300 million would include wage increases targeted at the beginning and the end of career of hospital doctors, as well as a revaluation of several bonuses (commitment to public service exclusive, guard weekends and holidays) and the extra working time (additional hours of hospital doctors). All measures that do not relate to the interns and medical students, whose situation will be treated separately.

Read also FORUM. 23 new proposals and independent for the public hospital of the future

“It is inadmissible”

But, for the representatives of the doctors, “it is a hope disappointed, the disappointment is huge,” said the Agency France-Press a union official. Another consider the amount offered that “no one” in the eyes of the “100,000 doctors, pharmacists, odontologistes” concerned. “This is unacceptable “, is to take a third, which relies on a “next meeting Thursday morning” with the minister to correct it. “By then, we called all the strike for tomorrow,” he adds in reference to the national day of action organized by most of the trade unions (CGT, FO, SUD, Unsa) and collective-hospital (Inter-Hospital, Inter-Emergency, Inter-Blocks).

These organizations believe that the 6 billion euros proposed last week by Olivier Véran is to enhance the personal, non-medical are not at the height of their demands, starting with a general increase of 300 euros net monthly.