Thomas Pesquet will return in space. The French astronaut will once again fly toward the toward international space Station (ISS), this time with SpaceX and the capsule Crew Dragan. This is the second mission of Thomas Pasquet in the space. The astronaut of the european space Agency (ESA) has himself made the announcement on his Twitter account.

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“the End of the suspense : it is with the Crew, Dragon of SpaceX that I décollerai next year !” announced Thomas Pesquet, who will be the first European to fly on this vehicle, finally chose opposite that of Boeing. He needs to take off in the spring of 2021 from Cape Canaveral in Florida. Thomas Pesquet is already trained on the simulators at SpaceX, the company Elon Musk and based in California.

End of the monopoly space Russian

The launch of the first capsule of the private group u.s. Space X to the ISS in may of last year with two Nasa astronauts marked the end of the monopoly spatial-Russian manned space flights. Since the judgment, in 2011, flights of american space shuttles, the residents of the station went to all of the Baikonur cosmodrome.

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In the “cockpit futuristic of Crew Dragon, with 100% of touch-screens,” it remains only to install the application “launch” on the shelves ” giant “, has tweeted, enthusiastic, astronaut. The engineer and airline pilot, age 42, had conducted its first mission to the ISS in 2016-2017, called ” Proxima “, for six months.

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