It is bad for with the inclusion of children with physical and mental disabilities in the primary school, study shows.

the Inclusion of children with mental and physical disabilities in the school is lagging.

Thus, the equivalent of 45 percent of the children’s parents in a questionnaire that their child is not thriving in school.

About the same share of 46 percent equivalent in addition to their children, “of low degree” or “not at all” participating in social communities in their spare time.

It could, for example, socializing with friends or participating in birthdays and similar events.

– the conclusions of the Study are, unfortunately, not very surprising, says Janne Hedegaard Hansen, center director at the National Centre for Vulnerable Children and Young people, to Kristeligt Dagblad.

She has for years researched in the inclusion and development of inclusive schools.

– In spite of an increased focus on inclusion, many schools have not yet managed to solve the task of creating klassefællesskaber with room for diversity. And when we have not succeeded with it, it is clear that the children who are not like most are going to experience mistrivsel, she says.

the Survey is conducted by the Danish disabled people’s organisations on the occasion of the UN international day of people with disabilities.

In the survey, 1197 parents of children with various disabilities participated, and nearly 1000 people have, on average, answered every single question.

the Vast majority are parents of children with adhd and autism, that goes in a regular folkeskoleklasse.

It was otherwise among other things, children with these diagnoses, as the so-called inklusionslov in 2012 was designed to integrate into common folkeskoleklasser rather than sending them in special classes as in the past.

at the Time, was the objective, that 96 percent of all schoolchildren should go in a normal class, in practice, it meant that approximately 10,000 children were to move from a specialundervisningstilbud to regular education.

the Expectation from the political side was that the inclusion was to ensure students with special needs in a greater professional development and a stronger social community.

In the Danish disability organisations believe president Thorkild Olesen, the survey shows that the problem of children with disabilities who mistrives in school “is greater than we have hitherto believed”.

– I think as a starting point, that all parents will want to equal opportunities and believes that the objective of increased inclusion is really.

– the Problem is therefore rather the lack of knowledge about disability and the reactions that can come from a child, for example with adhd, he says to Kristeligt Dagblad.

– the Teachers have not sufficient knowledge, and the parents will not either.

/ritzau/ Taraftarium