The Church of St. Stephan in Söcking to be renovated, however, in this year. The Church Foundation is, meanwhile, prepare everything, but still the vote of the diocese.

Söcking– the restoration of The Church of St. Stephan in Söcking will begin this year. The Church of Foundation, St. Ulrich Söcking confirmed. The fact that the city’s planned ramp is not built for now, plays no role.

The ortsprägende the house of God in the centre of Söcking was statically significantly affected, said the Church Foundation. A structural engineer was established in the autumn of 2018, among other things, a spreading roof and the walls to the outside can be pressed, which would ultimately lead to the collapse. At that time the Northern bent to the outside of the wall six inches. Conclusion of the structural engineer: Within five years, i.e. until 2023 – needs to be renovated, otherwise the collapse is imminent.

not Even electrical engineering on current status

“for More detailed investigations of the current security state of electrical engineering showed. The bell chair was patched up in several times over the centuries and not always in a professional manner. Mercury-containing wood preservatives, which were allowed up to the beginning of the 1980s, have led to a contamination in the tower,“ explained the Treasurer, Wolfgang Wittmann, and for buildings competent Eugen Hartmann. As reported, parts of the roof, and tie rods installed renewed, in order to correct the inclination of the walls. Estimated cost: around EUR 1.1 million. The estimate comes from architect Michael Spaenle, who has already renovated the chapel in the mountain – a renowned expert.

be taken Preparatory measures

“The required budget is available to the Department III of the Episcopal building since March of this year and will be in the next building and Finance Committee meeting on may 12,November treated. The time until then is to be used for preparatory actions to the tenders. Then the architect can be commissioned, subject to the approval of this diocesan body with other benefits. These are the completion in the Essential and the dispatch of the tenders and the award of benefits. A construction start would be the beginning of 2021 conceivable,“ says Hartmann.

For the renovation, which is co-financed by city, country, Foundation, diocese and other, would be the ramp – a project of the accessibility for cemetery and Church visitors – very helpful. The city has said the spokeswoman, Lena Choi, the construction, however, because of the Tax break-ins by the Corona-crisis, according to the current state postponed indefinitely. Since the renovation of the Ecumenical starts used for Church now until 2021, may arise new opportunities.