summer, sun and Corona. After the rain weeks it pulls out of Munich. By The Hundreds. To Thousands. The also problems.

again and again, the police in Munich had to move out recently because people stopped at the Corona-regulations. How contagious is the life of pleasure in the “experience-oriented young” people? Recently it came in the number of Newly-Infected* to slight fluctuations. All the important stories from Munich in our App.

Update from 28. June 2020: , Despite the Corona-crisis , thousands of people celebrated at the weekend in Munich . In the night from Friday to Saturday would have been stopped in peak times up to 10,000 people on the Isar river, police said on Sunday. From Saturday to Sunday it had been around 5,000. According to the figures, all peaceful .

Something else saw it on the celebration mile, Leopoldstraße – especially after the last Bundesliga round. There was reported to the police early on Sunday morning, “a greater number of aggressive persons”. The advanced according to its own information, “high-Force” and met there around 200 to 300 people. In the case of aggressively Encountered the police stated the person is an alien, also they multiple place references. Two people were prosecuted for insulting the forces.

residents documented noise at the end of “Corona-parties” at the Isar – city is ready to respond to nasty development

initial notification by the 24. June 2020:

Munich – The warm evening sun, with friends sitting together. This is fun, but not always good: In the night to Tuesday (23. June) had to be coming from the police to the gardeners place and the peace. Again. Should come per group is due to Corona : a Maximum of ten persons. A total of 300 engineers in Munich, however, were the celebrated on Tuesday at the gardener’s place until midnight*. “Several residents and passers-by informed about the emergency call, a loud Party “, is it on the part of the police, which is engaged with more than ten stripes, and nearly 30 civil servants.

Coronavirus in Munich: police roll out more often to the gardener’s place – “Since 6. In may, there were 20 missions,”

you don’t hear the phrase “ space clearing ” happy to. Officially, it is disturbing the peace , and violations of the protection against infection law . People will be asked to leave. “Since the 6. In may there were 20 police operations.“ On the the party people react differently understanding. Direct resistance to it.

The spokesman of the police, Marcus da Gloria Martins, called the clientele, with the help of it to get his officials to do, “experience-oriented young people” – which can not be lumped. To a gardener place other people go to the Monopteros in English garden , where there are always problems. “This is not a new phenomenon,” says da Gloria Martins. Next summer getaway will be in Munich* more police officers on the road. Regardless of the fact that it is recently come in Stuttgart to severe nocturnal Party-Randale.

Munich: “experience-oriented young people” don’t always stick to Corona-regulations

+ “experience-oriented” Munich enjoy the beautiful weather on the Isar river.©fkn

early in Tuesday night, there was in English garden more Festival atmosphere. With Yoga friends, in the Grass exercising, small groups, playing with wood-Litter were at the Start. Unerschrockenene bathed even in the Creek.

Just as fully, but less peacefully, the Situation on the river Isar close to the Wittelsbacher bridge , the Wolfgang was Dykiert recorded has. His pictures and Videos show hundreds of people frolicking in the meadows and dance in groups to loud music.

“It says he goes to 3 or 4 o’clock at night”, unnerved. At night no eye to get Dykiert, in the morning, he then collects in the dog with his dog, the many shards of glass. “I understand that the young people can’t go to Clubs,” says the residents of the Eduard-Schmid-Straße. There, the conditions were unbearable.

+ Wolfgang Dykiert angry about parties and garbage on the Isar river.©Sigi Jantz

The few mobile Bathroom – between Reichenbach and the Wittelsbacher bridge are just three – are not enough. Most people just go into the bushes, where it looks worse. And with temperatures rising smells. The building Department want to respond now. A fixed plant at the Eduard-Schmid-Strasse 36 in planning. “You should be heuer realized.”

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

section list image:©fkn