, The day-care centre capacities in Garmisch-not from Partenkirchen. The market municipality wants to provide a remedy.

Garmisch-Partenkirchen – Lisa Juds is not to be envied at the Moment. The 32-year-old from Garmisch-Partenkirchen, kirchnerin hangs in the air. She had applied for a place in the partenkirchner crib for their daughter Nele and got from the market town of Garmisch-Partenkirchen is a cancellation. You could offer to the autumn, no place, informed her the municipality. The mother in front of a Problem. “I can’t apply for a new Job, because I know where I belong to my child now.” Juds proposes to make the application process a little more transparent. “Then I would understand, perhaps, why the courts are rare.” It is still looking for a childminder. “That would be the Alternative.”

no of Europe

Lisa Juds is not your concern alone. City hall spokeswoman Ute Leitner was able to call up to yesterday, Friday, still no Numbers. The market town is still waiting on feedback from individual institutions. But it is already clear: “There will be waiting lists.” The capacity is not enough. “We need to be active, we all need to bring and do everything,” emphasizes Vice mayor Claudia book (CSB).

community wants more courses

The market town of Garmisch-Partenkirchen want to strive for the creation of new courses, for example, by the addition of the Container. “In addition, can be expected to be from January 2021 in the children’s day-care facility Breitenau, a new nursery group opened,” says Leitner. The nursery at the hospital is expected to commence in January, the Kindergarten and nursery children in addition. May be the possibility of a new group open was also in Kindergarten Partenkirchen. The municipality is under pressure to act. Because parents have a legal right to a place in a kindergarten.

Around 850-care places

Currently, there are 854 childcare places in the local care facilities, divided into 680 Kindergarten and 174 crèche places. We can also offer mothers childcare places, especially for children under three years of age. In addition, 160 after-school care places for school children are available. Further support opportunities for students in the open all-day school in the compulsory all-day school and in the lunch care at the schools. If necessary, could be increased according to His information, from January 2021 to almost 930 places.

For the autumn of 400 applications

The number of applications is rising: 2018/2019, there were 380 children in the following year, around 385, for the autumn of 2020, there are around 400 children. The market itself is a carrier of four private institutions (Kindergarten Partenkirchen, crib Partenkirchen, Hort Partenkirchen, children’s day care facility Breitenau). In addition, there are eight more, for the of the municipality and the free state of Bavaria, staff-cost subsidies will be paid.

The “Unknown X”

The market is trying to Garmisch-Partenkirchen, the current demand, among other things, on the basis of the number of births to identify. In addition, it liaises constantly with the local facilities. However, there are Leitner, according to the “Unknown X”, namely, the children of those new to Garmisch-Partenkirchen. “In the past few years, there was increased migration of parents with children that need daycare.”

New staff in the market town of need needed

New employees will also. Namely, when the crib goes in the Breitenau at the Start. “So far we have vacancies, however, always sufficient of the applications received and were able to hire qualified staff,” explains Leitner.

Also in Murnau’s problems

Garmisch-Partenkirchen is a Problem are not alone. Also in Murnau, a show of strength is often necessary to organize the provision of care for the Small, the not go to school. For the upcoming kindergarten year, a bottleneck emerged in April: 27 places were missing at the time.

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