With a camera was accompanied footballer of the TSV Schongau. Because the club has something Special – and it is worth seeing.

Schongau – divided Into two groups, the E-youth-football players of TSV to Schongau the Ball. At the end of a pass combination, a player is allowed to shoot on goal. The youngsters are in a good mood. A Ball to the other lands placed cover in the Gates. It looks like an ordinary soccer training, but two things are different. The children must hold due to the Corona-related conditions at a minimum distance of 1.50 meters. In addition, the Schongauer be included in your training session by a film team. At the end of the recordings, the Agency “Filmbaar” from Schongau two Videos – a about 30 to 40 seconds long Clip, and a three – to four-minute Film. They form the culmination of the project “person. Power. Home.“ the Duke started. “The short Film is to convey the message that Integration is worthwhile and makes sense,” explains project Manager Ingo Massel.

Film in cinemas

+ Well-lit run languages the players on your Definition of home.TSV Schongau

When he is finished, you want to ensure the responsible at the cinemas, so the Film will be shown there for free. “The longer Version is to give the actors a framework that allows the movie.” This will also be featured on the Websites of the project and the TSV Schongau.

The E-young people are not at the TSV namely, the only ones that were filmed. Also seven players in the men’s team as well as coach, Peter milling, groundsman Karl-Heinz Schwarz and head of Department Hannes Waldmann were allowed to prove their Talent in front of the camera. In addition to training sequences and Interviews were recorded.

The actors are not Schongau for a reason, the player of the TSV. “The TSV – and, in particular, in the football Department – is operated for a long time very good integration work,” says Massel. “Responsible care.” The go to the Private.

Schongauer said equal to

“For us it is an honour that the project managers are coming to us,” says head of Department Hannes Waldmann. Therefore, the Schongauer for the video rotation also directly promised. The topic of Integration for the TSV is a daily, shows a look at the E-youth. The ten players come from seven different Nations. Also in the men’s team are represented with an Afghan, two Greeks and Syrians, several migrants.

Emotionally it was during the individual interviews to the question: What is home?“ “An Interview, we had to cancel, because the players had tears in their eyes,” says Florian Raab, owner of Filmbaar. The footballer had been told that he can never go back to his home country, even if it will always be his home. For Raab and his colleagues, Thomas Ziegler, the “behind the Scenes” I once made more aware of, which enable social integration clubs. Shown the movies to the end of June/beginning of July. Since then, the project, co-financed from the funds of the asylum, migration and integration Fund ends, after about two years.

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